I really want to like this game. I do. I do not understand why, if you are playing mechs for example in battlegrounds (which has been nerfed so badly BTW), you have to spend refresh after refresh just to get one… This shouldn’t be happening at all if the only type of creature you cast is a mech. This happens for all teams. Who would play a game where you just cannot find the right card, refresh after refresh then you are out of coins and your turn is over. I guess they don’t want anymore paid subscriptions. I’m not paying for a flawed product. Truth is with no excuses… if you play a certain team consistently in a match, then every refresh you should be offered ONE in a tavern line up.
You aren’t “playing mechs” if you aren’t finding any mechs. It sounds like you are trying to force a build. Don’t choose an end game build until you’ve found the proper pieces
I dont get this take at all. Its not possible to “not choose” a tribe prior to “finding the proper peices”… you’ve got to establish a tribe early on to scale up and build up on them so that by the time you reach tier 4 or higher the end game units have something to work with at all… Im not saying pick a tribe based on your turn 1 pick… but by the turn before your first trinket is offered you ought to have a tribe picked and making a majority of your board…
I feel ya on this. I’ve noticed that heroes that have a archetype built around their hero power, tend to get the short end of the stick this patch. I have noticed this several times now, and just got out of a match as Chenvaala, who’s hero power is 110% elemental based…was knocked out by turn 6 by a board full of elementals…after not seeing a single one come across my tavern. Forced to pick the scraps. While two heros had full boards of elementals
“dont force a build” thats all they can say, who do “pro streamers” such as shadybunny and dogdog, force tribe on turn 3, and magically get all the missing pieces quite easily??
I watch Shadybunny regularly. He does not force any builds. He buys strong units in the early game to save health and then sells/pivots as needed.
Youtube videos are for showcasing highrolls, so maybe that’s why it looks to you like he’s forcing a build. Also, streamers would probably seem incredibly lucky if you didn’t understand why they were doing what they’re doing
These guys play BGs for hours a day, like it’s their job — because it is — and then the one or two most highroll games are what make it to YouTube. You’re going to get a warped perspective if you think that those games are representative of the overall experience that those players have.
I am really curious about how things work in bg’s, I have reached 7.9k rating but I might of missed something.
When you start playing a build let’s say Quillboars and you have the perfect tribes let’s say either murlocs or beasts , let’s say both. Playing the board and you cannot find the +1 health blood gems quillboar. Sometimes you can force it with “discover a battlecry” , but you ain’t gonna see him to the end of the game. Now I know you can force the other quillboar that buffs the board on battlecry, but without a little bit of scaling is useless.
Let’s say you play murlocs, you get lucky with a t6 trigger battlecry murlocs and you cannot find the t5 one. You adjust to another battlecry trigger comp.
Or last game I played 150/150 murloc in hand no bassgill to the end of the game , ruined my whole combo cuz I needed to keep the murloc that pulled my other murloc out of the hand and kept my board at 6.
I mean my question really is, I believe that when some comps are in game Blizzard already hardcoded them and some of the key minions are either excluded from the pool and only discoverable or someone else just has them all and that’s it you cannot find them anymore (first is more reliable second it’s just a hunch)…Could that be it ? If that’s the case I can adjust my strategy around that.
Also the bumas@ above is right, Kripparian deliberately plays at 6k to pull content out of greedy builds, most of the streamers do that. They just don’t show when they loose in first 5 :))…The normal experience is that you lose more than you win and that’s only because the algorithm want’s you to lose so that you spend more time in the game for nothing ( at least in bg’s is for nothing)… P.S Kripparian said that he does not want to go higher mmr due to the fact that it’s pointless and he would like to have fun playing greedy builds that work someway instead of just playing efficient and farming 5-6 mmr at 7k to reach the 10k.
My last game, 2x moroes , khelthuzad, end of turn effects 2 more undeads, golden titus. Not a single 3rd moroes in the shop with 30 coins turn.
The game tells you this. Literally, it tells you EXACTLY this. Look it up.
Now, that being said, they DO have funky shenanigans going on under the hood BEYOND just this. You are FAR more likely to get the coveted Automaton lesser trinket when you DON’T have any mechs in your warband. You are FAR more likely to also get that demon one which gives you a reaver and rewinder if you DO have demons (or even just a reaver) in your warband. They DO mess with trinket choices based SPECIFICALLY on which hero you pick and what warband you attempted to develop. I’m not sure if they’ve mentioned that specifically anywhere but it’s easily observable.
It’s one of those unfortunate times where conspiracy is both overt AND covert.
Please do not post imbecil stuff before you learn how to understand what people are writing. I know that if someone has what you need you are less likely to get it, and I know that the game tells you that. You do not have to bold it out to make an imbecil point. You think I reached 8k by playing with my finger in my nose ? Please do not bold any more words, believe it or not some of us know how to read and understand, you don’t have to point it out with bolds.
I was merely saying that “someone has them all” as in I couldn’t confirm by the end of the match…Maybe he did have them all and sold them after I lost , who cares there are a loat of card hoarding bastards that do not know what they are doing and hoarding valuable cards until they loose cuz they didn’t made a damn build.
Also you are wrong : https"://"hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Battlegrounds/Trinket
" The Trinkets a player is offered are influenced by their [Hero], the available [minion types] in the game (don’t wet your pants, here this reference is made because you cannot get a mec trinket if mecs are not in the lobby), as well as the player’s current hand and board."
So you are not far more likely to get the demon trinket with no demons on your board. The only think far more likely here is for you to bold more stupidity in your next post, signaling like a bat signal that you do not know what you are talking about.
Right now I think the trinkets are bugged after last update though, before the update they worked like they were supposed, now it’s all scrambled and you get something that’s not in your warband or was offered to you.
I’ve had similar experiences.
I’ve also experienced games where the first two or three tiers offer only a couple of the possible “mob” types. Like it’ll be nothing but Undead and Quillboar. Then after that, ZERO undead and quillboar until like the 5th or so refresh.
Meanwhile, there’s a dude with a board filled with 20+ attack/hp minions by turn 3.
Yes, I just used bold just to emphasize what you misread. No, I’m not sorry. Yes, I realize you tried to be smart about calling me out before I did. No, I don’t care.
Congratulations, you’ve discovered what everyone underneath your astounding MMR already knew. Next you’ll be telling me water is wet.
That’s because they’re bugged.
What happens is, there are several criteria it tries to search for. Such as, “do you have at least one minion that has a minion type,” or “do you have a majority of a certain minion type?” This is pure speculation on my part, but I believe it counts “majority” as “by 2.”
So, if you have 1 mech, 3 naga, and 2 demons, you have NO majority and THREE minion types. If you have 1 mech, 3 naga, and 1 demon, you now have a naga majority and three minion types. If you have a minion that is “all” minion types, it thinks you have an amalgam.
What the game then TRIES to do, is prioritize giving you trinket options based on those trigger criteria. But it’s not coded very well, so it might give you one trinket for naga, one for menagerie, and two “general purpose” ones that are “generally” useless. Or it might give you a mech, just because you technically have two mechs (albeit one as amalgam).
It doesn’t sort and suss out what would make logical sense, which means attempting to game your trinket selection doesn’t work the way it should. That’s why Mr. 7.9k rating over there is confused.
Water is indeed wet and you had no clue what you were talking about, read the site I provided get a clue, come back then. But wait you said you don’t care.
So I’m playing a game as N’zoth. You get a fish that absorbs deathrattles from minions that die in combat.
Guess how many minions with deathrattles are available for me to buy from the tavern?
That’s right. ZERO.
There are Demons, Murlocs, and Pirates this game. All of which have multiple deathrattle cards. None of which appear in the tavern at all. And neither of the Trinkets offered me an option to receive deathrattle cards. Nor does the card that has a battle cry that let’s you discover a deathrattle card appear in the tavern.
This feels purposeful. Even if the algorithm was broken, it has to accidentally give me SOMETHING I could use.
And this is the second game in a row like this. I was the Shudderwock in the last game. Their hero power let’s them trigger a minion’s battle cry. I was able to find a total of TWO battlecry cards in the tavern. One was that Murloc that gives Murlocs 2 HP. The other was that one card that gives minions below T4 +2/+1 or something like that. Unfortunately, that second card only came when I was in T5 and below 15 HP.
Same happens to me, until I hit the 2 win games that favor me, it’s just a perma struggle between builds in the same game due to this. Happened to me a lot of time, and as I explained it’s like some minions are only in the discovery pool and not in the actual tavern.
Like I received the battlecry murloc in the first 2 rounds of the t6 minion trinket, I received breamer and basgill , even got a bran and I couldn’t find the t5 murloc that discovers a battlecry the whole game. Some games I cannot find bassgill until I lose. And there are a lot of games like that, and if people say that it happened to them as well it’s not a hunch any more.