Bring back Old Rewards Tracks

FOMO sucks, and if you’re a returning player (like me), there’s a whole bunch of catching up to do and being able to slowly work through missed stuff (like the rewards tracks and other content) helps feel like I’m not sucking wind, especially since my favored play mode is Wild.

Something that’d help tremendously on that is allow me, once I hit level 100 on the current reward track, to put the current reward track on pause and activate an older reward track and start working on that one. And for the older tracks, allow me to buy the Tavern Pass for them if I want to, but end the tracks at level 100.

I would like them to give gold for every 3 wins again. That was very cool. Cap at 100 daily of course but that made grinding better.


Assuming a winrate of 50% (which we mostly all achieve give or take), hitting the cap means winning 30 games, which implies playing 60 games… in a day.

With the new system, past the first 100 level, from 101 to 400, you get 50 gold every 1325 XP. Now if you assume an average of 100 XP per game (more for wins, less for losses), you roughly need to play 30 games to get 100 gold. Half of what was needed before.

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Agree. Catch up packs work, but hardly enough if you’ve been away as long as I have. I bought all mini sets from sunken onwards till now, and open 10 packs of each standard expansion until I get the guaranteed legendary plus 5 extra packs for each standard expansion and still have not collected all the common cards.

Can barely craft one meta deck, even the cheapest, treant Druid, then have to use dust to create what I want.

Agree. It takes longer than that, but I still agree that now is better than 3 wins 10 gold. Now even losses gets gold and people have fun a bit more. Plus there’s no cap.

I could be wrong about this but I think if you look up all the previous track reward cards (the golden undustables you unlock from 1-100, the Key gifted Legendary and epics/rares gifted) but I’m fairly certain they made them all obtainable via achievements as well for just such players as the OP. I know I am randomly unlocking said cards I already unlocked previously from older tracks by getting random achievements from gameplay I wasnt even thinking about let alone knew existed lol.


I hope you are right.

I started playing HS again after a few year hiatus a few days before badlands released. Opening a Titans pack gets you an ignis , the eternal flame.

After using the card and seeing others play a gold version of it, I went to upgrade mine to gold… Of course you can’t because it was a reward from the last reward track. I so hope I can upgrade mine or earn a golden one in the future.

I like to go to the hearthstone wiki site to find out ways of obtaining cards in question like that.,_the_Eternal_Flame

Type Source Quality Count
Free Track TITANS Free Track, level 1. Regular 1
Paid Track TITANS Paid Track, level 55. Golden 1

Looks like you wont be able to unfortunately, that was a perk of buying that particular track at that time. So its designed to be unique to those that were both playing at that time and were buyers of the paid track over the free one. However it doesnt even show the option you stated on how you obtained it, the titan pack opening. So this site might not be the all encompassing database on how to to obtain things I assumed it would be lol. Only other method I can think of to get you a golden Ignis is to use the Nobelman and hope it targets your Ignis lol.

I didn’t mean to get rid of the new stuff just add back gold for wins as extra.

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Something I learned recently is that the Fandom site is actually abandoned cause they moved it to

I tried to enter that url and it wanted a login. lol.

Sorry, typo’d that…

Relevant page is and if you scroll to the bottom, you can see the past rewards track. There’s a lot of cosmetic stuff (heroes, signature cards, etc) that you’re either there for the track… or never gonna get.

Yeah, I get the “you had to be there” aspect of it all… but that just feels bad cause there’s no other way to get a lot of these cosmetics other than picking them up off of the track.
At least with the seasonal card backs those will eventually be purchasable with gold… but many of the reward track cosmetics aren’t accessible outside of that track.

Not all card backs can be, theres still a plenty you cant obtain outside of be at a certain place at a certain time on a certain device etc. The Fireside comes to mind, the Samsung Galaxy cardback comes to mind, I think they have an apple one too. I think there was also a college campus special cardback. if you never played Heroes of the Storm and have no intention to install it theres a cardback for that too not purchasable by gold. There will always be things that are rewards for “had to be there” type incentive. You can either accept that there’s nothing you can do to change that you werent there, or you can carry that unnecessary baggage and let it haunt you. I can feel a small amount of “that sucks” for anyone in such a scenario where they miss out on something because they werent there. Ive missed out on a lot of legit giveaway super rare pokemons like Mew of each generation. or the special alternate art models of other pokemons (not shiny). however I just accept I cannot time travel and I wouldnt want them to release them again as that defeats their rarity being the rarity they are.

Some of the cardbacks (like the eSports ones) I agree with you on…

However, the rewards track was generally available to everyone and completely doable if you were there at that time. They’ve already set the precedent to bring back faux-exclusives with the monthly card backs available for gold… the prior reward tracks are no different and they should allow us to work through the older rewards tracks once we’ve completed the current one.

Who am i to argue against free stuff. Sure, send the goods.

But realistically, i don’t think it can happen. We don’t ear gold directly anymore. You surely have noticed quest not giving gold anymore, only XP (which translate in gold or reward on the reward track).

I don’t think that the direction blizzard wants to drive the game.

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But was that the direction under Activision forced by Kotick and not the same direction Microsoft wants Blizzard to go?

IMO Microsoft prolly wants Blizzard to get back to where they were when they were the best game studio around… and a lot of that involves getting players back into the game and feeling good about where things are going again. And with F2P games, a lot of that involves giving out enough freebies so that you can keep the players playing and more options for the whales to whale so there’s enough income and players so that everyone wins… rather than having a bot problem because there’s not enough players to fill out a ladder.