Bring back classic please

They should refund all classic cards since they broke the promise.


Actually that was the year I started playing classic :smiley:

Yeah for me there is no upside to the format being removed, but for others I think they should refund buyers and give people dust back. Otherwise that means they can remove the thing you paid for/spent time in the game for at will.


Donā€™t stop complaining until they hear us.


I liked it too. But it was heavily bot infested. I played until legend in May 2023 (EU) and legit 80% of my enemies were bots. Even my last game before hitting legend at Diamond 1 was against a botā€¦

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I started playing Classic recently, only to find out they were getting rid of the mode.

Tried to get legend last minute, and by the time I got to D5 I realize I would never face a human opponent.

Blizzard let the bots get completely out of hand, and probably just didnā€™t wanna take care of it.

Not only that, they want you to spend more money on old cards, and Wild is stagnant, so they created twist to make people want to spend more money on cards they dusted years ago.

I think classic mode should be there forever. And I think Blizzard should deal with the bots. What they did is a shame, and even worse how they handled it.


100% The bot issue is not a reason to get rid of the mode, it is something the devs have to fix. Surely bots will be a thing regardless of format, just showed up more in classic cause it was easier to get rewards because of lower player count.


People bringing up the bots in classic is hilarious to me, because bots are present in EVERY mode. They just need to crack down on them better across the game.


Disingenuous. Classic had way more bots across all skill rankings.

The best way to deal with the bots wouldā€™ve been to take away rewards in classic mode. That simple.

So what if they did? Itā€™s not like the rewards for reaching legend are good anyway. Most bots are there for grinding the reward path. Guess what? That can be done in any mode and it is. So no, the answer is not to take away rewards or other silly ideas that punish real players. How about the bot accounts are just identified and banned? Yet again, people who want to go on about bots are not addressing the point that classic couldā€™ve just been kept as itā€™s own mode. You have no justification for deleting it


Adding my name to the list of people that want our format back.

Many (if not most) of us that have been playing since the beginning still played and enjoyed Classic. By eliminating the format, Blizzard is effectively forcing a chunk of its players out of the game we have loved so much.

Personally, I built a second account (this one) just to play Classic and Tavern Brawl, back when Wild was introduced. For many, that describes their ONLY account. I do presently have a Standard deck on there, but only because Frost DK is still viable. When that stops being the case, I will no longer have the cards to play competitively in any format.

And if Iā€™m completely honest, how likely I will be to play on the main account is going to depend heavily on whatā€™s going on in Standard and Wild at the next rotation. Without Classic to fall back on, there is no guarantee that Iā€™m going to have anything playable.

What I canā€™t wrap my head around is why remove an entire format.
If itā€™s a problem of there being too many formats out there (unlikely), maybe consider spinning Battlegrounds out as its own product, instead. I get that people like it, but it has exactly nothing to do with the card game outside of flavor elements.


Except that if youā€™re facing tons of bots it also means no real players being there.

So why make maintence of something no one plays ?

The bots ā€œproblemā€ isnā€™t limited to Classic either. They are absolutely there, in the same numbers in Standard and Wild too. I use quotes around ā€œproblemā€ here because I have no issue with the free wins they earn me. The only time theyā€™re really a nuisance is when thereā€™s a viable OTK deck in the format. But, those I just squelch and never have to play against again.


A new format, rotating with Standard, but cards go back to Outland (currently), and weekly rule changes like Tavern Brawl. This week is class-only cards. Fun if you have the cards for it. Unplayable garbage, if you donā€™t.

Rightā€¦ Bots arenā€™t a problem for other formats. Whatever you want to tell yourself.
If all formats were on the same ladder I might agree with you, but that was never the case.
Also, Iā€™m not convinced that they are a problem at all. Itā€™s obvious when youā€™re playing against one because they are so horribly programmed that unless thereā€™s an OTK combo in the format they canā€™t win against players with any reasonable amount of skill. Seriously, the most common one just sits there using its ability and running out the timer fuse every turn. They are dead by turn 5 or earlier. How is this a viable strategy to level up? Enjoy the free wins.


I love (sarcasm) how half the comments in here are from people who A) donā€™t play the format, and B) think that because they are finally encountering opponents at their skill level and having to work for their wins itā€™s a sign that their opponents must all be a bots.

Iā€™m not saying that bots donā€™t exist, but do you honestly think Blizzard wouldnā€™t do something about it if they thought it was hurting their bottom line? Weā€™re talking about a company that just raised a middle finger to players that have been around since Beta, by nixing an entire format just to sell more product. As for gameplay, no those are not bots you are losing to, those were the accounts you destroyed at the lower ranks to get to that level.


Bring back Classic and make TWIST FREE FOR ALL.

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it is free! just use your wild collection!

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Bring back Classic .


Was the end of classic announced, or was it just mentioned in passing in the twist announcement?

Itā€™s free if you donā€™t play. Both in terms of money and time. Truly free.

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