Bring back 10 gold per 3 wins, revert this exp system

Makes sense man, you very well could be right. It’ll be fun to watch how all this plays out over the next few days and months.

please NO

at least I can play long game vs priest and even if I loose I am getting 100+ exp

in old system that time was total waste

So I just finished a 1 hour run on the hunter.
Got 8 games (6 w, 2 l) in 58.5 min (7.3 min/g) and gained 399 xp.
I played as fast as I could with no downtime between games. As I didn’t check xp between games, it’s uncertain if this 399 is any form of “cap” or just what i got for the 8 games.

The total time recorded on deck tracker for the 8 games is 51 minutes (69 turns), which would give 6.38 min average time.
Of course, we can’t attribute the “missing” 7.5 minutes to just downtime between games, as there could be some rounding time lost in decktracker (as it only shows time rounded to a minute). However, this does show that +1 minute on deck tracker shown average is reasonable assumption.
I looked at the time a few times between games, and it’s ~30 seconds from game end to another start, although all queues popped almost instantly, which is not always the case.
Not to mention ppl don’t just normally chain games one after the other and get instant queues.

P.S. Looking at this, 400 xp/h “average” seems pretty optimistic, unless xp doesn’t depend on games played and just time played. I would assume, 8 games/h should be above average and 6-2 is nowhere near 50% winrate.
Or: there maybe there actually is a hard cap of 400 and I hit it at some earlier game and lost 1 point to some rounding error or sth.

Would be nice if some1 could post results for more and fewer games played (just don’t go over 60 min total or it will be hard to make any conclusions on the cap).

if we get there in with enough time to farm the gold from the 50 to 150

then the battle pass isnt that bad problemisnt just if we can reach lv 50 is how fast can we do it

This new system is good, it is just too slow so not rewarding enough. The old one felt terrible, you did your dailies and then… almost no gold. No feeling on going forward.
Still, getting XP over time will need some tweaks because afaik there’s nothing to prevent AFK and botting. Playing against players roping every turn is super annoying.

Blizzard could just cut the required XP by half and everything would be fine and much better than the previous system (if they also do something about AFK/botting).

I read a little bit about the overall gold one can get from progression lvl 1 to lvl 50 and up to lvl 150. My sources are Prior to this new system I was making about 1 pack per day. 50-60 gold per daily quest and 40 or so gold for playing (3 wins = 10 gold). All of the estimates I see place the total gold you can get in a season at about 60k (or 60 packs per cycle of ~120 days). This is assuming average play (1 hour per day on weekdays and 2-5 hours on weekends). The max you can achieve is much higher but I can already tell that as an average player I’m not going to earn anywhere near 120 packs this cycle. On the old system I was earning 120 packs per cycle easily. This new system is not equal to the old system.

The new system is a massive time sink and I doubt team 5 will change that, no matter what they do about rewards.

Total you can get is 19200 gold for lvl150.
Previously you could get max ~155 g/day for a total of 18600 in 120 days of a season.
Both should require ~9-11 hours of daily play, so looks similar to me.
You just get some free packs and arena tickets and you can also earn the total gold faster (or more gold if you don’t reach the cap) with the 35% from the battlepass (meh, not worth it though).

I don’t know where all these ppl get their numbers, but by my count, I don’t see how “blizzard lied” or anything like that. It really is quite similar in all aspects. The only difference is that you get your gold in big chunks, not 10 gold at a time.
There might be 10-20% difference max, so that’s really within margin of error and doesn’t give any ground to call blizzard names. And if you take into account all the packs and tickets, we definitely get more overall now.
Would I take more gold for free? Sure, gib. But they didn’t lie about anything.

As for 400 xp/h, I did a 58 min run, I got 399 xp for 8 games (6-2). So 400xp/h may be a bit steep “average”, but it’s not far from truth either.
P.S. At 400 xp/h, it equates to ~12 g/h (assuming the lvl150 totals). A 4-4 result (the expected 50% winrate) would have given me 13.3 gold by in the old system - quite comparable. Not to mention, that the 35% bonus from battlepass would push the balance significantly towards the new system. Not to mention that this doesn’t even include a 35% bonus for dailies and weeklies too.
I still don’t think the 35% bonus is worth 20 eur for anyone who doesn’t plan going well over lvl50 (unless you want any of the stuff), but it’s undeniable that with battlepass you would definitely gain more gold from just playing than before. As for anyone, who doesn’t buy it, think of the “free” packs and tickets as not entirely free (although a chunk of it will be still “free” after you cover the potential small gold gain difference (from before) without the battlepass), if that makes you feel any better.

Good job ignoring the rest of my post, which directly addresses your complaint.

You can’t see anyhting because you are blind. 2+2= 4 right? Your calculations are correct right? Ok gj

If you don’t count the non-gold rewards as “free” or “worthless” stuff, then lvl1-50 is actually slightly better than 51+.

lvl1-50 gives 4200 gold, 2 tavern tickets, 17 packs, 2 legendaries and 1 epic (and a worthless skin).
Even if you dust all packs and cards, that’s 4500 gold + 2720 dust (107 dust/pack, 150 gold/ticket).
So 1-50, for 1k xp you get: 23.4 gold + 14.15 dust (or 36.62 gold if we assume the dust to gold ratio of 1.07)
lvl51-150, for 1k xp you get: 33.2 gold

So lvl1-50 gives ~10% “free” and an extra worthless skin at the end (compared to 51+).

Couldn’t agree with this anymore. As a causal player who use to log in to due some dailies and play BG’s I earn way less gold then I use to. And I have been playing way more since this change. I shouldn’t have to spend 20 dollars on a pass either. I’m pretty disappointed in this system and to be honest I don’t know a good fix. I do know that I feel like my time is now not being rewarded like it use to be.

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But your response does not refute my claim. The new system is at least twice the time investment in this game for F2P and probably a great deal more. I agree that the idea of earning even while losing is good. But this system is flawed to say the least, and the designers flatly lied about it.

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So if there’s a time based component and an xp awarded for playing, I would love for them to just simply show it at the end of the game.

Battlegrounds, at the end, shows rating won or lost. A similar flash by the portrait that showed “+37 XP” or “6:38 time elapsed +36 Xp” or some way of seeing the progress visually and immediately without having to back out of the system and manually find and count the change would be super beneficial.

There are sooo many flaws in this.

  1. It is not 2 legendaries. It is only one because you have always gotten 1 for free. High chances for useless legendary = 400 dust. Maybe u wanna calculate 1k dust for average dust value.
  2. You always get some free packs. And older packs are basically useless. low dust… because you won’t hit the breakpoint for a legendary or epic
  3. Less gold means less dust. This is very important and makes a huge difference. The free legendary is a joke compared to the dust u get for more gold. Dust also means more choice.
  4. We cannot choose what we want. Players want to choose the packs or maybe you wanna spend all gold in arena or … (especially if you play only 1-2 classes or wild)
  5. If you choose to use your gold on older packs it is impossible to do achievements —> less gold
  6. Time investment is higher. Getting the same amount of gold for higher time investment makes no sense at all
  7. 3 mini expansions each year means you will need way more gold. I guess like 50% more than before if they don’t give them for free
    … some more points but they are minor

Sure it does. Your initial response was that the system wasn’t better because (and I quote):

But if the devs (as I said in the sentence following the one you quoted) were to tweak the numbers so that rewards are higher or XP requirements were lower, then you would have a system that is an identical time sink as the one we had before. Nothing in the new system is intrinsically more of a time sink than the old system was. The only reason it is such a time sink in the first place is because of the pitiful rate of XP gain and gold earned.

It requires the same time overall, as the weeklies dont need extra time in addition to the dailies. And if you used to do not all dailies, this actually allows you to get more xp overall in the same time, assuming you do at least some of the weeklies. E.g, if you play only 1 day a week, you would get only 3 dailies before, now you can get 3 dailies and 3 weeklies, which is significantly more xp.

So the “huge time sink” is a completely wrong statement, it’s no bigger, if not smaller than it was before.

That’s the thing though: for players who don’t play that frequently, it may be an improvement. Same for players who play constantly.

But for people who just did their quests each week before the new system came into play and nothing else? They’re hurting hard, to the point that they’re easily 1-2k gold or more in the hole for the expansion. Which again, Blizzard promised it would be more gold for everyone.

How is that? I normally skip 2-3 dailies a week (well mid-end of season, not start). With this I will definitely be getting more than before, as completing weeklies is as easy as dailies (well at least when we can actually complete quests like play 50 corrupt cards). E.g., getting 7 ranked wins takes less than 2 hours. And with some lucky rolls you can get the other quests to be complementary (well at the very least 2 weeklies at the same time), and maybe even 2-3 dailies to complete doing the same thing too (I always reroll my dailies for 50 gold ones if they don’t fit the other 2 (e.g., 1 is play warlock other is play mage -> roll 1 to sth like play 20 turns)), will be doing the same with weeklies - roll to sth that can be completed in ranked (unless I’m playing the other modes needed for the weeklies anyway).
I’m sure you can get at least 4 out of the 6 quests to line up and be done at the same time. So playing only 2 hours a week is most definitely more profitable now.
As for playing more, skipping dailies still doesn’t hurt as much as before, as a big chunk of them is concentrated in weeklies now. And if you skip weeklies, well that usually would mean you would have skipped a week-worth of dailies before too.

P.S. I can understand ppl who don’t play ranked complaining about needing to play ranked for the unrerollable constant 7 wins weekly, but that’s a different problem. I always do my dailies in ranked (still need to get that D5 (or D10 when extra lazy and can’t be bothered playing 1-star games) in a month anyway), so nothing changes for me.