Breaking Up with Hearthstone

I think I have come to the realization that I am moving on from Hearthstone. I have been part of the adventure since launch. With the amount of time and money I have spent on this game over the past 10+ years, it really is a tough decision to make. It is almost like ending a long term relationship. Will I regret it?

I ended up being overly busy with work last week and missed out on my ritual of buying the mini-set the day of release. The weekend came & went and I really didn’t feel compelled to purchase it. This caused me to reevaluate my relationship with Hearthstone. Do I just keep buying new expansions out of tradition and not because they are enjoyable?

As stupid as it sounds, I think the removal of Duels was a tipping point for me. That was my favorite way to explore new expansions because you could pick your favorite new cards and draw them frequently due to the initial limited deck size. With Duels gone, I really only play Battlegrounds aside from a few days of standard when a new expansion launches. The last few expansions have been misses for me too which doesn’t really help things. I think the last expansion I enjoyed was Titans.

Not that anyone cares whether I play or not. After spending this long with Hearthstone this was more a service to myself to organize my thoughts in digital ink. I’ll probably still hang around Battlegrounds every now and then but for the most part I am breaking up with Hearthstone.

It has been fun. Thanks for all the memories!




I’m in the same boat with most of Blizzard products.
Tried the newest expansion, but they set the conquest cap so low you finish in 2 days, but then essentially keep paying for nothing.

They’re a shell of what they were, the corporate scum have ruined it and sadly it can’t change as the developers are in the grip of shareholders.

It’s free market capitalism functioning as intended.


There’s so many better options than whatever slop Blizzard is putting out there at a fraction of the price.

For a $60 expansion of HS you can probably get anywhere from 2-5 games that blow it out of the water in fun and quality, from devs that actually have passion for their product and care about their player base.

All their IPs are dated and on their last legs they’re just milking whatever out of their dried out husk.

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I have as well. I lost interest in Standard and stupid nerfs has killed what made Wild great.

Sounds like you lost in Standard, and you had an unfair broken deck in Wild, that should had been nerfed.

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I swear you are a Blizzard employee… Your nose is so BROWN it is not even funny.


I think having that realization and coming to the conclusion you did is very mature of you. Some people do not know how to let go of misery.

I hope you find peace, friend.

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Thanks. But I’m not. I wouldn’t post so many texts with suggestions if I had access to the Executives.

HS broke up with me when they removed duels mode.

This is not an outrageous or illogical conclusion. It’s a very sensible one. And does not mean anyone works for Blizzard. I’ve been on this forum long enough to know that the default argument when a person is right is

  • They work for Blizzard
  • They’re a Blizzard fanatic that is convinced Blizzard can do no wrong

Despite their post history proving otherwise.

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Not necessarily right, but it’s just a non-argument to call people names. It’s textbook ad hom.

Well, hit dogs do holler. :slight_smile:

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