Brann no counter after changes

So now Brann has no counter. Literally, the only deck that could keep warrior in check was plague Dk, but now they’ve ruined that. Nice job “balancing” things blizzard. Guess I’ll be playing warrior again.


Nore does Reno anymore (from plagues) they literally made Warrior a T1 unstoppable deck again.


I just for the life of me cannot figure out how they they get it wrong 90% of the time it cannot be that hard to do a decent job


This was the one deck I was hoping they’d hit pretty hard but it didn’t happen.


these guys are absolute bums… if this was a sport where performance matters these guys would be towel boys. Clown mascots in the stands or maybe the dudes that run up and down the stairs selling beer. They force feed win conditions for every class to just make everything solitaire.

HS devs you guys are bums BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO if I was in the stands I would throw anything that said blizzard on the field or ice or whatever.


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whats the issue ?

they killed the tendrils deck

boomtoos nerfed too no more draw all 6 tnts in one turn

they nerfed sanitize and trial by fire…

ya and yet it is still a good deck… huh I wonder why?

Firstly sanitise was adjusted, not nerfed. It got the mana increase but it also gives more armor meaning its more powerful on its own as a board clear than before

Secondly, they changed both broken cards to still ‘very good card’ status. These cards were not made useless, they were made ‘weaker’ but are still good cards so the deck is largely untouched.

If they completely gutted warriors removal across the board maybe something would have actually changed. But they still have

  • trial by fire, which is still insane value for the cost. Its literally scale of onyxia, which was busted, but better in that it does more damage in total and you can line up better trades.

  • sanitise which is usually a guranteed board wipe considering warrior will most of the time always have some amount of armor. If you dont theres a 0 mana gain 6 armor card anyway

  • bladestorm which is both a strong aoe tool and good for single target removal

  • the 7 mana excavate brawl guy who is also a guranteed board wipe

  • reno which is a guaranteed board wipe and lockout

  • garrosh’s gift which allows them to discover additional brawls or executes for removal or shield blocks for additional armor and card draw.

  • they still have the 3 mana 3dmg aoe spell

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Choose only one. Either it was nerfed or it wasn’t.


What is wrong with a deck being a “good” deck ?

Every meta in every expansion usually has few good decks.

If you had observed HS for longee than a year you would know better :laughing:

I do need to admit, it’s kinda funny how they wrote this big long post about player agency and then they just remove counterplay from the Highlander mechanic


The only matchups Boomboss mattered was control. And in that matchup it still performs as it did. Yeah, it is slower but it still allows for 12-18 cards swing. So you still lose, just now it takes longer :laughing:

To be fair, 'Just be a DK´ was never a real counterplay option.

The real counter deck was always wheel warlock, which they had just deleted. So it is no surprise warrior is on the raise.

I don’t want to argue about whether it was fair or not, maybe it wasn’t fair. But it was real. It existed.

Nerfed is in the eye of the beholder. I really do not see any of what they did to the Warrior as a nerf.

Sounds like you chose one

Yup, that was my bad.

Technically, there’s a chance with cards like Dirty Rat, so a more accurate or correct formulation would be: Brann has even fewer counters now, scant as they were.

Otherwise, you’ve pointed an obvious point, and there are a number of duplicate topics.

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