Brann no counter after changes

If the post is so redundant, then you shouldn’t have felt the need to comment on it, but yet here you are. Take your smug superiority somewhere else.

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they just bad they just bad

I don’t think he can really help it :joy:

But in seriousness absolutely nothing about his post here is incorrect, maybe take your fragility elsewhere

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I have 0 problem with Brann Warrior with Tempo Zarimi. It’s almost a free win.

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Hmm… Maybe not. :rofl:

But anyway, it’s a typical pattern here on these forums (particular personalities don’t even matter much), on these forums, check it out:

Person A, in his ignorant hubris, makes a bold, yet stupid statement (bonus points for hip movements and a general attitude a la Reno Jackson, but that’s not even the point).
Person B points out some glaring flaws in his reasoning.
Person A takes this peronally, throws a tantrum and accuses B of arrogance and so on, instead of admitting own errors.

What do they call it, projection? :grinning: Any hint of humility in A would imply at least a response like, ‘That’s right, you got me here’, although a conclusion like ‘Perhaps next time I should shove my OPINION somewhere deep, instead of swaggering like a bozo — and a very LOUD one at that — with it, and use my head first’ would be even more preferable. So, in short, accusing others of one’s one vice, namely hubris?

Brann deck seems pretty hard to target. I’ve seen people report excavate Warlock farms warriors, but it does not based on what I’m seeing.

Simple math shows Brann warrior is much more likely to draw Brann plus etc and dirty rat to get 4x minion disruption, than Warlock to draw 4 bounce minions plus enough excavate to make snake. In fact, I think Brann warrior is heavily favored.

I’ve had tepid success with excavate rogue that runs speaker stompers that can spell lock a good board, but excavate rogue can be extremely finicky.

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I don’t know what you think you said in your mind but I promise you you’re not as clever as you believe yourself to be because this jumbled reply makes zero sense. But kudos to you for really thinking you some being of superior intellect compared to everyone else.

Trogg no stupid! Trogg make you stupid!

Sorry to everyone else, just really like that one quote from ol’ Chieftain Scarvash, couldn’t help it. :grinning:

Agreed! Brann was one of the most powerful and problematic cards in the hearthstone history, Yet, they decided to buff it as “Deepminer” for a entire game. You can almost rage quit against warrior once bran hits, because they have like 10 different ways to remove a full board.

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Well it looks like they only took a day to adjust. they are now just Boom Bossing and then bouncing or copying it so you get 12 bombs in your deck. If that card didn’t exist i think Brann would be fine but this card is deleting a third of the opponents deck.

I survived 2 double dirty rats from the warriors tonight playing snake Warlock on multiple occasions but the boom bosses ended the games by just removing my deck. Oh well back to hunter. I got them close but not enough before i lost everything. SMORC still gets there.

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Good point on dirty rat. It’s a very low chance counter cos you have to randomly pull the right card assuming the opponent has it in hand, but yes it’s a counter.

Yeah Brann is stupid and should never exist in this incarnation. We all know the BS that the old Brann allowed over thr years. But combined with Boomboss it is just ridiculous. That card destroys 12-18 cards after Brann. It’s crazy that anyone think that’s ok.

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