Brann made HS unplayable

I don’t know about Druid being even more stupid, I only face warriors and very aggro decks (best counter to warriors, I guess).


Just a product of failed game designers.

They need to stop introducing polarizing cards where people win by drawing it first. The legendary cards are so insane now compared to before. You used to be able to get away with missing some legendary cards to be competitive. Now it’s just one huge board swing after another, or turn 7 OTKs, driven by these cards. Only reason these game designer get away with any of this is because of the core game design implemented by better people than they will ever be.


but why are you gae???

Vicious Syndicate, the largest data aggregator website, throws out data from matches with early concedes. Simply not counted.

I don’t know what Blizzard does. Honestly I suspect that they don’t collect data at all — allowing them to save money on staff — and they just wait for the Vicious Syndicate report to come out to know what’s going on. But that’s just my opinion.

My point is that your “plan” would only work on idiots. Anyone with an ounce of sense would remove concedes from the data pool.

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free data research, after all.


I agree with you Catteraine. Played 3 games against the perma Brann warrior and now i am waiting to see if it gets nerfed or just removed.
Yes there is a constant cycle of “you think this card is bad what about ******* card?” on these forums.
In my experiences play Hearthstone this the Worst card i have played against/viewed/been aware of.
Was it a joke that got printed anyways? is Team 5 really this bad?
Whatever the reason or reasons this is not a sellable or enjoyable game in standard imo.
Fingers crossed for a removal.


The game is a big garbage just look at the paladin, he is control (because he has board clean), he is also aggro and since the miniset he is also otk. Since when on a tcg does a single deck do all 3 roles? only one role (either you are aggro or control or combo and not 2 or 3 at the same time).