Bout to start writing down names of suspected bot accounts

Sick to death of being matched against aggro DK bots that always seem to have the exact cards needed in hand

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If they are illegal bots you can report them.
Posting user names on the forum is forbidden.
If they are illegal bots I doubt they are able to actually cheat so the whole “exact cards needed in hand” is mostly paranoia
If it were to be true that actual blizzard bots were able to cheat, which I doubt, reporting them is useless, since they are blizzard bots

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that report button is worthless, shill. I never said I was going to post them here. There are other places I can post the screen names.


Posting bot account names anywhere is also useless. What can anyone do with this information?

It will make ME feel better and potentially save someone else time.


They’re NOT bots, I mean, they ARE bots but they’re BLIZZARDS bots! What? You didn’t think they were just going to let you play against & beat REAL PEOPLE? Oh no! They’ll pair you against their own bots and POOF they’ll magically draw whatever card they need to handle what you’ve played.

I’d love to see a class-action lawsuit expose all the shady stuff Blizz has been pulling on us all these years.

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Unfortunately blizzard doesn’t care about the bot problem at all. There’s always the report button that doesn’t do anything though lol, but there’s really no reason to do this unless you enjoy wasting your time.

I prefer to play against Blizzbots than wait 5 minutes for a player to queue.
If you can withstand about 3 waves of the DK Blizzbots filling the board, they are helpless. They always seem to have the right card because 75% of their cards are very low cost. That is their weakness.

What would be the point to post a bot’s name on the forum anyway ?
If they allow that, they also allow people from posting actual player’s name, because there will be times where people just play against legit players and assume they were bots.

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perfect mulligan doesn’t equate bot

however bot = same tempo play, they move each minion and play cards at the same interval every turns…and most of them are totem shamans and pirate rogues

try paying attention to that

idk about standard but this is for wild…a massive infestation of them

I believe Reddit might have a subreddit or two where tags can be posted. Both bots and actual players. I remember briefly seeing such before one disappeared - that subreddit was posting battletags with the intention of harassing players, I think. Can’t remember the name though.

And true, but when the “player” selects a card, hovers, targets a minion, puts card back, selects same card, selects same minion, puts card back, and repeat until rope burn then continues the next turn, then the next - safe bet is that it’s a bot.

Does anyone care if you do that ?

true. But if the opponent is above a certain health threshold, it will keep playing cards, no matter what/

Write down as many names as you want but you can’t post them on here cuz you’ll get silenced if you do.

You can report in game or e-mail blizzard but you can’t post them.

And yes, I know of these unholy DK knights that have the exact cards on each turn especially turn 8.