Bots to ban bots, or me? Please!

Issue ID: #93588294
Offense: Exploitation of game mechanics

So the more I read the more I learn. I was suspended 2 days ago, for the reason stated above.

Do you (reader) believe I am innocent? Does not matter, really. I will sit my suspension out most likely anyways. However regardless if you believe my innocence or not I think we can agree that this is unacceptable:

(my name)
2 days ago
Subject: Appeal for Hearthstone Penalty: Exploitation of Game Mechanics

Dear Hearthstone Support Team,

I hope this message finds you well. My name is (my name), and I am writing to appeal a penalty recently placed on my account, Drainor2 #2930, for the offense of “Exploitation of game mechanics.”

Upon receiving this penalty notification, I was puzzled as to the exact action that led to your decision. I predominantly engage in PvE content, particularly the Mercenaries mode. From my perspective, I have not engaged in any behavior that could be construed as exploiting game mechanics, especially within a PvP context.

I kindly request further clarification regarding the specific action deemed as exploitation, as I am confident that I have not violated any terms of service. Additionally, if possible, I would appreciate any evidence or details that contributed to this decision.

Thank you for your attention to this matter, and I look forward to resolving this issue swiftly.

Warm regards,

(my name)
Drainor2 #2930
(my name)
2 days ago
P.S. If you require any further detail about my in-game activity, or if I can be of any help to resolve - in my perspective - this misunderstanding, feel free to ask.
Warm regards,

(My name)
Drainor2 #2930
This ticket has been marked as Answered.
2 days ago
2 days ago

This action has been taken in accordance with our Terms of Use and our In-game Policies ( ), which all players acknowledge and agree to prior to playing. These policies and conditions allow us to maintain a fun and safe game environment for all of our players.

Our Terms of Use can be found at

Game Master Team
Blizzard Entertainment

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I believe you.
People seem to be getting caught in the crossfire between Blizzard and actual bots.
This unscrupulous company has done lost it, they are now banning people because of mass reporting without looking into it.


Like so many other of their products, the only “hearthstone killer”…is actiblizz itself.

Because banning players for using in game features, people will stop p[laying altogether for fear of losing their accounts.

It won’t lead to more metric padding, like they think it will. The stock prices will drop, which will lead to stockholder backlash, which will get people fired for this move.

And that’s before the regulatory side of things steps in.


Dictatorship Blizzard will now ban you for utilizing your rope timer provided by THEM.
This is the most insane thing ever.


The only thing we can do is to stand up as a community and ask for transparency and fairness. They have a code of conduct, they should adhere to it. And about the “rope ban” I have only one question: How on earth do you differentiate between a player who needs time to think and someone intentionally waiting it out? If blizz can answer this (and mind you your answer would need to apply to most cases not to easy to tell random scenarios), I will support rope banning. Az the end they can just cut turntimes in half, or make it 5 second blitz.

The machines rose from the ashes of the nuclear fire. Their war to exterminate mankind has raged for decades, but the final battle would not be fought in the future. It would be fought here, in our present. Tonight.

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Suppose Ropecoach would have been banned these days

but when people get baned for boting the reason they are given is “automation of gameplay” and he says he was suspended

this was something else

Yes, indeed. But i suspect it was some automatic detection system. I dont know because they did not tell so far what the cause is. Suspension due to reports is unlikely, since I almost exclusively played mercenaries pve. (Aside from a few hs matches for quests) I looked into exploits, but i did not do any I found. (Like afk-ing - they can tell based on my lvl btw. If i did this afk farm thing i would be over lvl 100, i am currently like 50).

So in my case it is not bot players but automatic penalty systems. However I maintain, that if and when they provide a reason I will post it. My problem is that they lack transparency, and it is unreasonable to ask me to stop “exploiting” if you dont tell me What should i stop. Stop playing? Stop doing bounties? I posted their message, and based on that i ask any1 to tell me what to stop to avoid penalty.

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