Bots ruin the game, when will you do something Blizzard?

I know this is an issue that has been echoed again and again. But I am frustrated and so are a lot of players.

I came back to Hearthstone after a 2 year hiatus and I am really excited about the Titan expansion as it has some really cool cards in it. So I dusted some old decks and made myself a few new decks to try the ranked ladder and I could hardly find any human players to play against.

Imagine spending hundreds of dollars on a game just to play against bots, now that is a scam!

And it is no longer up to the players to report these bots. The players paid their money and they spend their time to play YOUR GAME Blizzard, they should rightly expect everything to run smoothly given how much they’ve invested in your game. It is Blizzard’s responsibility to keep the game functional and fun, just like when I pay for food in a restauraut, I am not expected to cook it myself. How ridiculous it is that Blizzard expect us playeres to report these cheating bots, when it is their job to root out the problems of the game. Who on earth have the time to report anyway given how many these bots are.

When will you do something about the issue of bots Blizzard? When will you start taking some reasonable responsibility as a business/service provider?

I doubt that you are seeing as many bots as you think you are. None of these are player bots. You may see some Blizzard bots at Bronze in Standard; they are there so that you won’t have to wait a long time for a game.

As you rank up, you will see less & less of these. If you were to be paired against human players, you would probably lose, & eventually give up. It’s not as big a deal as you are making out. Take the win & rank up; soon you will be facing humans, who aren’t free wins.

I say save all that time and just uninstall and quit. This game is a rip off and Mountaineer is a blizz troll. Don’t expect any resolution from forums unless another actual player can answer it.


Do you play standard or wild? Because at least 1/5 of my wild games are against extremely obvious bots.

I have never played Wild, & I don’t think I would like it as much as Standard.

I think bots are like Communists; people claim to see them everywhere, & most likely, they’re mistaken.

I never spend a moment of my time wondering if my opponent is a bot, or not.

I think that it’s a really, silly waste of time.

I get matched up with bots over and over again in Wild. Probably at least ten times per day. I have a list of 55 bots that I keep adding to. Many of them have been around for three years.

Please tell me you’re joking.

written like a true bot with a hidden profile.

You can watch multiple wild streamers run into bots all day, roffle being a good example. It’s probably not as bad in standard but it’s a pretty serious problem, not getting into politics but all one has to do is look at the youth and see that too though :man_shrugging:

I wouldn’t say it’s. A waste of time. If I wanted a single player game I’d play something else. There’s 0 fun playing against a bot that literally plays out totem buffs with 1 totem on the board on turn 1 lmao, and the pirate rogue bots are equally dumb. One doesn’t have to wonder if they are or aren’t, it’s incredibly obvious. Perhaps standard is different.

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they removed the player bots for now

hmmm, interesting I’ve never once considered there to be bots in hearthstone but some state that they are blizz bots to help get quick matches…I can see that being logical I can also asusme less people play wild than standard which would then need even more filler. i guess I dont see the problem here, in fact this might explain why i run into the dumbest players sometimes. The turns are rapid and sometimes they are buffing my players just for the sake of playing a card??? makes sense now. I’ll always take a free Rag transformation :smiley:

They also have names like “sneaky squid”, which makes them pretty easy to identify.

blizzard has their own bots to auto concede or afk so that you get your free 50% win/loss rate

Then you must know Blizz puts bots in the game for low MMR players as has been mentioned on almost all those posts. You’ve been gone for two years? You’ll see some bots.

It’s how they keep players engaged while climbing ranks. Obviously the acceptance of this will differ between a new player and a returning player. Just play and win. You’ll see people more concistently soon enough.

Half truth here!!! There are in gold 5+ ranks in currently in a human bot rotation.

I’m currently Gold 4 and about 60% of my matches seem to be Blizzard bots. You can tell because they don’t show up on your list as an opponent. Prior to this expansion, I barely ever came across a bot. They must have lost a lot of players on ladder due to this train-wreck of an expansion. I’m getting to the point I got with the LK expansion once the DK novelty wore off, and switching back to other play modes again.

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I hit legend last month and faced a bot anytime I’d lose 1 game…they were all the same generated bot names Blizzard makes…HappyFeet, RedEyes, TiredDog…just generic names with a 2 part name and each part capitalized.


Those would be blizz bots, yep

You do know that the biggest portion of bots are blizzard made don’t you? People have abandoned this sinking ship to a point where blizzard had to implement bots just to keep the queue times down. It’s not just in standard and it’s not just low ranks. The bots go all the way to the top.

I was wondering about if the player I played against this morning was a bot or not. After they played their last card and on my turn,I played King Muka Muka - I think that’s the card, it filled the players hand with bananas - and on the next turn; they targeted one of my critters and then hovered the card, then returned the card and did it again. They repeated this until the rope burned and then in the middle of my attack, conceded.