Bots, Bots, and everything Bots

I’m getting an absolute butt ton of bots. Literally the last 10 opponents I’ve had have been “ShinyMage” or “BattleBuddy” and they all don’t show up on my recent opponent list.

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Yeah so apparently a lot of people instead of posting on the forums.

Just quit the game and dont look back.

I would venture to say the game has the fewest number of players that it ever has.

So much so that the ladder may be all but completely fake.

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i dont understand your point the vast mayority of players keep playing without posting on the forums too

we all know those players who come here who said they quit and keep posting day after day …are still playing

Are there really blizzard bots? I see so many opponents with nonsense names. I usually just hang out in platinum and play bad decks so that’s where I’m seeing them. Probably 1/3 of my opponents are named like qxsdwe, etc.

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i quit the day they made battlegrounds pay to win. judgeing by the 12k posts your likely blizzard damage control. so ask your handlers to look up my last played. you might find a couple loggins after that patch where i just wanted to check real fast if the heros were buyable by gold. but not a single game was played. it has been fully uninstalled since about 2 weeks after that update. p.s. before you say oh you are just a troll. how bout you also find out how often i played BEFORE that patch. and youll find it was basically every single day. i love this game. but i WILL NOT be a part of the BS that blizzard is pulling


forgot to switch to your other account ?your post feels like written by the poster i was answering to who admitted to have alts

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what other account? hate to inform you but this is my only account. but i can understand you jumping to that due to haveing no actual defense.


I have found that since the DK Class was released, I have run into so many bots and you can tell they are because their Battle Tag looks like a cat walked across a keyboard when making the name. Their starting cards are ALWAYS the same, no RNG, cards to gain corpses.

I remember when Blizz insisted that Battle Tag’s had to be an actual word, and you couldn’t make a Battle Tag if it was just random letters typed out, not just someone smashing keys on a keyboard. I noticed that these types of names are ALL DK’s


tools dont even realize these are all blizzard’s bots.

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I been a hearthstone addict since Ungoro.
I hit triple legend this month, Im a fairly good player.

Last few months I started suspecting that the people Im facing are not real players. And I mean the Majority! Especially in wild. So I started seeing patterns.

For example, players don’t say hello.
Even when they are completely destroyed they don’t concede.
I can have a like a full board and they have nothing and still they keep playing like a single one drop every turn.

This is not real player behaviour and its sad because Im loosing interest fast.
I hate single player mode and this is really just another single player mode.

I also stoped buying the preorders because of this. HS is dying and I cant keep playing this way.


Now Bli$$ard bots have names. no more aaassf, aadas, asasfg.

Their was a post about wild a few days ago, so I started playing wild this weekend, I have not played wild in months, I played 3 games, they acted like real players, they emoted, their plays made sense, player names looked like normal player names 2 out out of 3 conceded

This was starting at diamond 10.

I have no idea what I am supposed to do different to see this reported plague of bots.

Just keep playing and u will notice eventually. I play thousands of games every month, u need a larger sample size.

You can go watch Zeddys video about the bots If u want some statistics on the matter.
Its called, “This has gotten SO MUCH WORSE! Hearthstone BOTS are EVERYWHERE!”

And Corbets video is actually the most informative,
“A Bot Almost Made It To Rank 1 Legend”

Also listen to the podcast, Reno Supremacy! | The State of Wild Ep 156 They adress the issue and the feeling is there is no solution.

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Another way to find the bots is to play Suspicious Alchemist.
Most bots do not know what to do with the choice and they crash.

At least for that turn.

I won some games by bouncing her.
It makes me sad to see how many mostly even shaman “players” that crash on that card.
And this is in Legend!

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