Bots, Bots, and everything Bots

10 of 10 games vs bots, great. They don’t even hide main acc, for ex Lillian#11946.
It’s just annoying when you don’t face any live players


No entiendo, si es bot no es una win segura? quiero decir, que es lo que te molesta si es que realmente fueran bots? que te hagan perder el tiempo? que lo consideres algo inmoral? (popular entre los justice warriors) o que un bot te gane? Especifica tu descontento, yo lo que entendi de tu publicacion es que solo comunicas sospechas.

I don’t understand, if it’s a bot, isn’t it a secure win? I mean, what’s bothering you if they really were bots? that waste your time? What do you consider immoral? (popular with justice warriors) or get beat by a bot? Specify your discontent, what I understood from your publication is that you only communicate suspicions.

This is the translation for OxstoneE

Honestly guys I’ve seen a lot of posts of ppl complaining about bots while don’t even bother testing if I’m facing a bot or not, idk why would it matter

It’s almost all bots that I am facing now with names that are literally just smacking your hand against a keyboard. They are even roping me each turn…

the issue that you all can not seem to understand is that most people play video games for the fun and playing against bots is not fun


I just recently returned to the game and was wondering what was up with all these “people” I kept going up against and their keyboard mashed user names. I can usually tell right away by the name.

I honestly don’t mind getting a free win here and there but they all play SOOOOOO slow and make nonsensical moves which are pretty laughable sometimes. One other way to tell it’s a bot is that you never see evidence of them examining their cards like you do with a real person. There is just dead air for 5-10 sec and then a card will get selected and played. Most are using the vanilla card back as well.

Btw, I bet they purposely code them to be slow and let the rope expire every turn because that will increase the chances of their opponent getting frustrated and leaving giving them the win.

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But it’s so much fun going against all these bots, especially since lots of them even seems to be blizzards own bots due to not even seeing them in recent opponents. Seriously, over half of the games I play at standard legend are bots so I guess they want you to play to legend each month just to quit when you hit it, much like playing diablo 3 seasons for a week then waiting for the new season. Genious!

  • Oh, and the bots also don’t have any rank, yet I go against them as legend, like what?

I just decided to concede eight times in a row to Death Knight bots with names such as EWDSOKASD ddjuulk, edsjdjaz ETC. I’m now stuck in Gold-5 as I refuse to watch that candle burn…every…turn.

I’ve been casually playing HS since day one, just standard & slowing attempting to get all my characters to Golden with 500 wins. I’m a working professional with just slices of time each morning & lunch to get a few quick games in. In the past, sure, you would get a rope-burner now and then. However, now with these Death Knight bots burning ropes every turn to maximum their gold, it’s just sucks the fun out of a once really fun game.

I know what everyone is going to say, just get higher up that ladder and you will see less bots. Well, I don’t have the time in each day (or the skill) to do such a thing. I just enjoy a nice challenging game of Standard with a real person. Not only do these bots burn the candle each turn, they make horrible moves and at times…just stop playing all together. This just isn’t what I log on do each day to do, it’s just the worst.

I feel these uncontrolled bots are going to ruin the upcoming expansion & I’m very close to just dusting off my MTG Arena decks. The turns can be even slower, but at least you’re playing against an actual human.

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well when you kill a game and no one plays anymore thats kinda what happens when there are no more humans to match with.


Well, I gave it another try before dinner tonight - I’m out, game uninstalled. 11 x DK’s with forehead-on-keyboard names (which I conceded) in a row, this is at Gold-5. Again, been playing this game “casually” since day 1 & it’s just not that game anymore.

My time is literally money as I’ve got a business of 13+ yrs to run. And sitting their watching these moronic DK bots burn ropes and make stupid moves had me thinking "Is this worth it? I’ve personally decided it’s just not, for me.

Good luck on the oncoming expansion everyone - calling it quits on HS.


I haven’t seen a bot in years. I feel left out.

A few months ago I got to legend classic with every single opponent being a bot. But as of like last month and this month I’ve never run into any bot in any mode, all the way thru diamond.

… i think marvel it’s nice brand…no bots on films or…other stuffs…W marvel!

So Bots still run Wild, shortly before the Expansion hit you could even see some playing new Core Cards like Mal Ganis and Dr. Boom before rotation happened.
Im currently in low Diamon on Standard and bots still make up 50% of the games. They get more refined in the way they play their decks but indicators like no selection time before playing cards, no attack hovering, random nonsensical plays, and never conceding even without a Deck or Hand still hold true.
Alot of these also dont show up in last opponents, i dont know if it is because they are Blizzards own bots or because they all have Cyrillic names, both are a failure on Blizzards side, either let me report people regardless of their choice of letters or … srsly dont use bots on RANKED games. <_<

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Yeah, this game is unplayable. Waaaaaaaay to many bots which defeats the purpose. If I wanted to play AI I would just play practice mode. Blizz will wait until it is too late to actually do something about this. I’ve played since launch and really like the game. Tavern Brawl will be the final bastion left for hearthstone.

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Just played 5 games and 4 of them were clearly DK bots with names that you just smash your hand into the keyboard. Super boring and if this keeps up I will stop playing.

Blizzard please fix soon. This is not a small issue to ignore.

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So many bots in low legends ranks (12k).
Blizzard fix this quickly

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I can’t believe that myself! You know a deck is busted when it doesn’t even take a human to reach the highest rank in Hearthstone. I thought I was going to start seeing some real fun stuff now that there’s no pressure or rewards to be had. I havent hit legend rank since I scummed out with Undertaker Hunter.

But nope! Just the same DK bots over and over again. I had one stay in the game after I Duke’d their Patchwerk then proceeded to Bounce it and shadow step it a few times destroying their Mograine and any chance of winning. They just kept hero powering…

So boring.

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It’s been now three month now but today it was terrible currently stucked at plat 5 and every second player is a bot! The most surprising fact is!!! I CANT REPORT THEM because they got not listed “recent player”

Anybody knows where i can write?
only one of the Playernames were “MightyOwl” played priest 05/06/23 11:40 pm EST

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You cannot report blizzard bots, which commonly have 2 word names with proper capitalization like that one.

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