Bots, Bots, and everything Bots

Anyone else facing an increasing number of bots? I’ve battled a player named SDV 3 times in a row, followed by an ADSV, and another DSAV. All DK’s, all playing rainbow. That report button could work a little faster…


Yeah I noticed this the last few days when going from about silver 5 to gold 2ish I am at right now. I noticed the higher you get the less bots, but they don’t disappear and still show up more at rank floors. Luckily I beat this deck with most of the classes I play very easily. While I do enjoy free wins, and get bonus XP from the tavern pass, it is very much so a waste of time running into these bots. Good luck! :slight_smile:

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Be careful with the username dropping. Blizzard won’t ban bots, but they won’t hesitate to ban you for posting the names of players you’re accusing (no matter how certain it is that those names are, in fact, bots).


You only get banned from the forums.

Blizzard wants new players any way they can get them, so having someone bot up 20k gold then sell it for a profit still brings them in a new player later. The lost revenue from the gold given is not that far off from the free 150 packs they tried giving out.

Yet, you all still spend money on this game. Why should they care, they know you will spend money.

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I played against those same names 4 or 5 times in a row yesterday all playing Dk’s. I thought it was strange.


Found the SDV botter today. So glad Blizzard is completely incompetent on all levels.


this game is a colossal global gaming scam and i’m sure it will all come out sooner or later, i urge any devs who are no longer working for blizzard today to tell the truth about the fake rng, fake matchmaking, blizzard bots, and teamed slot system of psychologists who study how to cheat players from all points of view


Most of my games in legends are vs zoo bots(

SWIM has been botting this game since Undertaker Hunter V1. They have never ever been banned.

The game is now absolutely swarming with bots at every level, most standard games are against poorly coded DK bots which are used for gold farming by chinese players who later will use this gold to build ridiculously OP Decks. Blizzard if you don’t make an announcement or do something quickly, there soon will be no more acutal players left.
Blizard at least make it possible to report them, right now most of them are even shwoing as “Your Opponent” as they use chinese ccharacters in their names. This is really shameful blizzard.


is this a copy paste ? seems like a copy paste because we have a way to report them

Someone posted not too long ago that they were able to determine the in game report button doesn’t do anything.

I can’t find the post (most likely got 404d, of course) but someone went into detail about how they were able to see how the button literally did nothing aside from the popup windows it gave in game.

Yeah way too many DKS with names that make no sense

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It does, when you consider they can’t retain players and decided to opt for flooding the game with their bots while ignoring the ones not from their company.

svd? that seems to be most used one

oh yes there is a report button, I had not seen it. but still so many bots, if it was working there would be no bots.

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i think there are less bots last month i saw them from bronze to gold this month saw my first one around gold 5

This is the infamous Botstone

Stopped spending money on the game years ago. Grinding the free rewards track gets me enough gold to buy enough packs, and those free packs combined with carefully choosing what to dust, gives me enough resources to play the kind of decks I like to play in wild.

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