Bots are ruining this game!

Last 20 games I played all “players” had two names First letter of each name capitalized, then when I went to see who they were they don’t even show up on my recently played list.

Of the 20 games, 5 of them were the same name in a row but they were playing a new class. This game is getting bad…I think I will quit until they have a fix for this crap.


That’s how all the Blizzard bots work (even the ones that “seem to be able to be added to friends list after the game”) … uh no, those are bots too. You’re literally facing a real person 1/3 of the time before Plat, half the time before diamond, and don’t even get me started about the insane, bot-played rigged high-rolling bots at 6K BGs. Absolutely rigged garbage.

Soooo many bots, jesus the playerbase must be so low