Bots are absolutely nuts

I have been playing for over a week now starting from the bottom rank because its been a long time since i played. I am now pushing into the platinum rank and i havent actually played a real person the entire time. Every “player” is just a random string of letters for a name like “WkFgERSFEl” for instance, they only go face and have a bunch of basic cards in the deck… whats the point of playing the game if im just playing bots that are worse than the actual hearthstone bots in single player? Why would a company let this happen unless they really dont care about their player base? If i get all the way to close to legend and its still like this im just going to uninstall.


Same thing happen to me. I faced players until I hit plat. Then it was nothing but bots till diamond where I ran into just players again.

Bots being random letters and only using basic decks. I cringe anytime I run into someone with a default picture because I assume they are a bot.

I have literally played 25+ games in a ROW of nothing but these bots. What is going on? Did I miss something lol? Why so many all of a sudden?

Yep, Gold 7 here, not one single non-bot.

Hearthstone a game so simple bots can play it.
Hearthstone a game so heavily monitored bots can play it.

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