Bots and reporting failure

SO I had a match, total turns was 21, that’s 21 for me, and 21 for them.

About mid way through I recognized the botting. Whittled them down to 1 health and then simply killed their minions as they appeared, burned spells, my own minions, to prolong, and every time it was the opponents turns, I repetitively reported them for botting (aprox. 5x on each of their turns) about 30 reports or so.

Surprisingly (well not really as I wouldn’t really expect anything beyond failure from them) , after 30 some reports for botting on the same player, blizzard has done nothing.

In the beginning I could literally count from as soon as their draw card at start of turn hit their deck, exactly 17s would elapse before they highlighted anything like a card in their hand to possibly play. (17s, 13,s can’t mem exactly but it was the same some 7 turns in a row, until the board got more complex) then it deviated some. by the end we played some 10 turns (each) with them at 1 health (me as a mage) did they give up and abandon like any reasonable non AI program would, no… it just kept evaluating the board, hand, and played.

And yet Bliz’s dev’s with all their University BA’s, MA’s, and multiple years of experience, can’t detect what I can by simply counting seconds in my head.


Full match play (not vid) is here: ~


Like at what point does an educated person start to question the validity of an account after receiving reports for infractions that resemble something like:

dsf 212
dsf 8
dsf 82
dsv 36



Like I dunno, am I the only one that kinda see’s a pattern in names? Besides the fact that they all field DK decks, with what appears to be all the same cards?

Maybe I need a BA or MA or Doctorate degree to understand why there is no real correlation between them.


I suppose I need add for the moderators:

All names are purely fictitious, and any similarity to any players name living or dead is purely coincidental.



Total number of expansions for DK: 1. lol. How is that a clue to being a bot? everyone’s DKs are roughly the same cards if they contain dk cards lol. the rest of your post is sound and logical, but not this point.

LOL. Good point. Didn’t realize that. mainly because I don’t buy anything other than adventures and play spuradicaly.

Blizzard doesn’t care about bots and the reporting feature is just for show. There are bots out there that have been botting for years. Blizzard has not and will not do anything about them.

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Bad pro company poster propaganda posting is bad.

33 pages of dk decks no hearthpwn (and that’s just one site), 25 decks per page.

Naturally most of the post is “lol,” “nuh uh,” and emoji with no real supporting evidence.

op is right about the scourge of bots and actiblizz should be sued if they don’t enforce their rules on botting.

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