Bots all over the place

Omg i m exhausted by the amount of bots on standard … Is this game dead or dying ? What is going on?

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At what rank? Below diamond 10 real humans are barely there within a few days in a month. Blame the system of bottoms of ranks existing[and any star bonuses]; it should be free-floating: now it’s almost impossible to not be locked either at diamond 10 or diamond 5 if you barely follow netdecking practices; if the ranks were free-floating[and star bonuses didn’t exist]: you’d have ranks reflecting the true skill of players more closely[human players would spread in all ranks] and it would solve the issue of finding only bots around the ~Gold rank and lower[within a few days in a month].

I am playing below diamond mostly because i dont use netdecks …for my own personal reasons . But it is like watching boring ads till your movie begins . Which makes the game boring and uninteresting …

Not doing pure netdecking is generally good (the best players in the world do not net deck), but the best players may often do a combination. E.g. they may look at the best decks (on sites that track them) and then say “ok these cards are good at these synergies between them so now I may be able to make a new deck that might have some of that but not necessarily the same”.

Thing is i like to use decks that randomly create spells minions etc etc and i suppose those kind of decks are not getting enough love . Having said that the problem im having is that there are no players at lower ranks making the game really boring

You probably have to make rogue decks, that class keeps spamming random stuff, e.g. a couple of months ago the best deck in the game was a rogue producing billions of legendaries from round 5 (it really annoyed me lol…).

i’m in diamond & i’m still going against bots, that are playing CORE CARD DECKS???


Reality finally forced Carnibore to admit there are bots everywhere. Im’ just about to hit legend and there are about 50% bots. As mentioned above, people with stars rocket past the bots and into legend fast. Casuals like us have to work for it XD

Yes, they do. Try to find someone who doesn’t, I challenge you

It’s easy to “win” an argument, if you delete what they said in whole.

I said they consult net decks but always make their own.

PS to be strictly true about it: they may occasionally run a literal copy-paste of someone else but: they never ONLY net deck.

Nice strawman. I always said they exist in low ranks.

In fact that’s one of the reasons I was saying repeatedly “don’t have floors of ranks”(or even star bonuses).

True, I didn’t read the rest of the post, my bad

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Trust me they don’t care – they are probably in damage mode trying to destory this game as much as possible before Microsoft comes in and fires everyone.

Oh you never claimed bots don’t exist? Funny, this is just a couple days back…

"Where is the proof? The game is extremely turn-based and slow at player movements [so it’s exceptionally hard to prove it by just “intuition”].

What EXACTLY do you see that proves “yep: that’s not a human”?"

I Smell BULL****!

Tall, wise elves don’t exist, only humans who complain about everything from morning till night :laughing::laughing:

Nice 2nd strawman. That was in reference to someone saying they ALWAYS get CHEATING BOTS.

Are you saying it’s possible to get players who CHEAT …exclusively?

Amazing !!!Right after my post complaining about bots …guess what! I was banned for botting roflmao… Suspicious timing huh? Oh well maybe its time to move on from this stupid game . Take care all it was fun

Judging by the first post, do you literally report every single player in the game for botting?

Maybe they considered you a spammer who has no idea why they report EVERYONE.

Nope … Only the obvious ones colour+ animal and those that play classic cards without any obvious thought… I just wanted to warn the rest not to complain cause the hammer is watching !!! Anyways i honestly don’t care anymore it was the reason i was prolly expecting to give up on this game … See ya!!!

I wouldn’t call myself too stupid on judging people, and I would seriously doubt it’s easy to tell who is an AI in this game by just looking at 1 deck and a few turns played.

This is especially true on low ranks; they may be running achievements and lose on purpose (on achivs you have to wait for cards); or they may do quests.