Bot... bots everywhere

has anyone else noticed the bots in ranked matches? like they play their cards asap, buff my minions instead of theirs. heck my last match i had my opponent down to one health with plenty of minions that could finish them and my hero power and they didnt quit even as the rope ran out


I’ve played a few Death Knights who only use their hero power, without actually attacking anything. They then let the rope burn. Guaranteed victory, but a bit annoying.

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Lots of pirate rogue bots in Wild EU.

Is terrible
I mean… 6 of 10 matches… where Bots
They resolve all turns almost before getting a card… 0.3 seconds to think and play

That is nothing like the bots I’ve seen… The ones I’ve seen have to be bots I’d think because of behavior including:

  • Performing all attacks slowly and methodically every turn, with several seconds in between each click.
  • Running out of time to perform simple actions because all their moves are identically spaced out, even during the rope.
  • Never emoting, never accepting friend request, strange username.
  • Always playing the same DK decks.
  • Sometimes glitching out and stopping mid-turn and not playing any actions for the rest of the game, but not leaving.
  • Never conceding. Once I’ve realized they’re a bot, I take note and no matter how far they’re behind, they never concede or leave.

I’ve been running into them SUPER frequently over the last couple weeks. Kind of alarming.


Note that if the player’s name is not in the “recent opponents” list. It’s a Blizzard’s bot.
I’m gold and almost 50% of my opponents are Blizzard’s bots.
Playing against bots is not fun at all. Blizzard is killing his own game :frowning:


people asked for a way to prevent low mmr players from playing VS meta decks …since blizzard can force people with low mmr to click play at the same time

they have to add bots

if you are playing vs so many blizzard bots …is time to try to improve your decks is the only way to avoid it

Yeah when people are leaving in droves they need bots, who you gonna play against? Its why reporting bots never works. Artificially pumping player counts.

Ranked should never have bots in it. They could’ve shortened rankings or even made a newb division but that doesnt hide player loss as they try to sell to Microsoft.

I have yet to encounter a single bot on the ladder. I feel left out.

I don’t think you can be unbiased in this matter.

Or they could not have such a low quality product that drives away real players in such high numbers