Bot argument/problem

I see this discussed a lot about the bot problem and the most frequent line used in response is “just raise your mmr and bots will stop”

Now my question is this. Why is this the line that is so frequently used? Why do I hardly ever see a “you’re right, bots are a huge problem and they really need to do something real about it”? Why do I so ofte see defense of botting and blaming of players, for facing bots? Is it sort of like an addiction defense mechanism? Some sort of coping that the game has a very real and bad problem that they can’t seem willing to fix?

Because if they admit the game is overrun with bots, they have to admit the game is officially dead. The best way to stop bots is requiring authentication before each and every match. 3 seconds to enter the numbers is all it takes and if players can sit for 30 secs while the opponent chooses their starting hand, they can sit another 30 for the authentication numbers to be entered.

because the number of bots drastically decreases as you climb and stay away from rank floors

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Case in point right here…why do people use anything except “you’re right, bots are a problem and need to be dealt with”? Why do so many people capitulate to and defend botting?

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you must be reading some invisible text nobody even the writter can see

Yet another case in point example. It must be my reading of invisible text, anything but “you’re right, bots are a problem”. Please, continue proving my point…

I still see bots in legend, granted not as much as when I’m climbing from broonze, but regardless of which rank it is, players no rank deserves to be littered with bots.