Boring achievements...again

Is there an unspoken rule that says achievements must be boring AF? It feels like there was no thought put into it. A last minute thing. Like “Oh we forgot to add achievements. Let them just play each new card 100 times, there you go, good work everyone.”

I know I don’t have to do them, but I am one of those people that likes to see that 100% completed label.
I see an achievement as something that should be hard to do. This isn’t hard, it’s just a grind. Anyone can do it.
Punch card for example. Instead of attack 40x, rather make it “do 30 damage with 1 attack using Punch Card”. Or even, “destroy 3 minions with punch card, x3”. Something like that.
The point is, make it a difficult thing to achieve, where you have to manipulate the game to get in the correct situation to do it.
The mini set has 1 such achievement, the druid one, “summon a 12/12 bear”, that’s it.

OK that’s my little rant for the day.

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All the new ones are VERY easy; they are “just play this card”; nothing takes a challenge.

On the other hand that’s good if you want to catch-up fast so it’s subjective.

It would be cool if they were more convoluted to do but also with more XP.

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I’m ok with kinda any type of achievements
I just wish we could complete them in casual…
I’m not willing to tank my ranking to complete an achievement that requires to play a garbage 7 mana spell then pray for the 1% chance that it actually does what the achievement requires

Yes Party Up ! I’m looking at you !

Rare · Spell · Forged in the Barrens · Summon five 2/2 Adventurers with random bonus effects.

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Yeah it would be great if we could do it in casual. Or with friends, but that would probably make it too easy.
I play standard to rank, and mostly use wild for achievements and odd quests. But I kinda feel sorry for my opponents that have to sit there and wait for me to do all my odd plays to maximize the achievement completion potential. I do some weird stuff.

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If you don’t try to rank also in Wild when you rank in Standard or vice versa, just do them in Wild or Standard (the one you don’t rank to). You’d be losing a lot while doing achievements anyway so it’s not like your MMR will be high to get good opponents.

I’m ranking in wild, I don’t really care about my standard ranking but it won’t help with all the achievements that are now wild-limited, that plus most of them would be easier to complete in wild