Bomb Probabilities

Is it just me or do bomb probabilities actually suck?

Not even just with multiplayer mode but singleplayer mode as well, having the bombs just not draw from the opponents deck even though it makes up more than like 70% of it.

I haven’t tried much of bomb warrior on multiplayer but awhile ago I went against an opponent that literally doubled my deck size with bombs, still he lost because I drew my cards and minions (still a couple bombs came through but not much). In single player I filled a dungeon run boss 4 with like 30 bombs from a deck of 15, and I still died.

Has Hearthstone made the chance of drawing a bomb lower? Because in all the cases I’ve seen and experienced, probability dictates that the bombs should come out sooner.

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Yes, the shuffling isn’t random.

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Is this just to limit the power of decklists that use the bomb overloading?

RNG is RNG. I’ve played games where I drew bombs back to back and games where I’ve draw none at all

I’ve heard bomb warrior in high MMR duels is actually pretty bad for exactly this reason - inconsistency.

It is pertinent to keep in mind probability is not a guarantee. It’s the chance of something happening.

yes it is


A probability it is what it is. I’ve played hundred of games playing spider shuffling rogue, now added the dr that spawn 3/3 as well. There’s games where I overwhelm my opp so fast that I get tons of ragequits. There’s others that my deck is full of spawns and not one show up during the whole game.
I remember facing bomb warrior when playing as mage and it was always a question when or if the final bomb showed up to kill me before I got the chance to close the game or if the warrior had the legendary played that had bombs played on board vs bombs on deck and kill them off in order to close the game in the same turn. I sure was happy bomb warrior became wild material; much easier to deal with them.

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And I am sure you have a proof, right?

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Why don’t you give one, that it isn’t?

can you prove it ? it must be easy for you to set up a livestream and predict every single card drawn with 100% accuracy

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That’s not an official source. And before you say it, 6 years old tweet also isn’t. Next?

Since the usual forum Blizzard defenders are not here to pitch in, let me fill in for them: you can’t prove a negative. At least it’s what they always say.

what ? you claim it isnt randmom that can only be because you found a way to predict every single card with 100% accuracy

otherwise why would you make that claim ?

lol ok. stay salty

This is a blatant lie and you know it. Question is, why are you using a known logical fallacy? Is it becaouse your target audience is unable to recognise it?

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Again, with the troll “huh,” “what” nonsense. Turn on your comprehension algorythims. Literally everyone else in the thread can comprehend the other posters…at least those with empathy enabled.

Unironically posted. Please post the source that shows brode is back working at hearthstone. Oh wait. Then your information from a thrid part site is woefully out of date.

Those who act as spokepersons or promoters for the company have to resort to this, in addition to gaslighting and other ditry tactics, as it comes with supporting a company that literally just paid less than half of what weinstein did for the same workplace misconduct issues.

And this crowd gets away with violating the coc, up to and including hate speech and real threats, and the mods and company (including microsoft) turn a blind eye.

But don’t you dare use a cuss word in relation to the devs (not even directly at them, mind you), otherwise they will swoop in like it’s the end of the world!

Nevermind video after video has been shown on youtube of the near impossibility of some of these plays, draws, etc…just pretend there’s nothing to see, because the pro company crowd is gaslighting again on another issue!

maybe thats why hes resorting to the shifting the burden of proof fallacy

its when someone makes a claim without any proof and then tells everyone else are they are the ones supposed to prove it wrong

you can tell hes resorting to this because he already posted several times desperately clinging to this fallacy by demanding people should prove his claims are wrong …