Bold prediction: Druid & Paladin nerfs incoming

Paladin used to be a laggard class. It’s now an Argent Braggart class.


Argent Braggard is insane, but funnily enough I’ve actually cut it from my Pure Pally list. It really only has room for so many two drops, and I’d rather have Shotbot for that precious early game tempo.

Argent braggard, bit of a late game play really. Got 2 of them in my own deck. I try and combo them with blessing of authority as best I can.

I’m running braggart and shotbot, and if I can get 3/3 out of the braggart early I will put it on the board.

I see most of the decks being really light on the early game and trying to overwhelm in the middle, that probably explains some of the difficulty vs aggro decks.

Personally I’m just running a solid early curve and I don’t run authority. I’ve found establishing that board presence early leads to a much smoother game than trying to make something huge with authority.

It does make alura kinda suck sometimes though, I may cut her for turalyon since I’m doing it a bit more control style anyway