Blue responses to feedback?

Is Blizz no longer responding to feedback from the community?

Still waiting on my diamond cards thread by the way :slight_smile:

They gave up cause the comunity is so toxic.


They communicate on twitter not here.


until through a game run by A.I. will be able to bring millions of dollars, and all the mass of millions of players accept everything, fake rng, unfair and manipulated matchmaking, why should he answer you?

They only respond in places where they can silence you if they dont like you.

It’s stuff like this idiocracy

What’s idiotic, is you.

On the forums for years… with…

“They wouldnt cheat you guys its not rigged”

Considering things like…

“hey we made an extra 12 billion dollars this year what do?”

They all agreed to lay off poor people in very expensive sc.

Yeah they wouldnt rig anything and you doing your job of being on the forums to try and shame people out of speaking up ala frankfurt school of cannibal psychos shaming people who dont want to be replaced.


You’re killing me David.

“Years brother?”



They just really REALLY love the game and the developers…

For some odd reason…


Your medication. Did you lose it then? Take too much?

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Honey, where have you been? It’s been years.

so…they use the internet

Blizz gave up here because the community is toxic?

Is it really like this?


Yes. This place is just a cess pool, people only post here to complain. It’s often not very constructive so it is better for them to not read this anyway.

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Okay Dean…

Whatever you say Dean.

This only makes the community more toxic in the long run. Sure, you might have people who come here just to complain, but what about the people who have legitimate issues with the game? Now they don’t have a voice either because the devs refuse to take accountability for their own creation. The fact that small Indie devs have a better grasp on how to manage a community than the current Hearthstone team is honestly pathetic. Why even have the forums if you’re just going to turn a blind eye to genuine feedback and criticism?

why do you want them to focus on the smaller community instead of the larger one ?

indies devs do it ? that cant be true

What larger one? The Hearthstone forums should be a place where the devs can gather feedback from the most dedicated players. That’s part of the reason these forums exist. Not everyone’s requests or suggestions will be reasonable, of course, but completely ignoring all of them just to implement changes that make the game worse for everyone is exactly why the game has transformed into the toxic cesspool it is today. It’s the same reason why the devs are so eager to block people on Twitter. They’re thin-skinned, holier-than-thou snowflakes who don’t want to create a dialogue with the community that pays their bills.

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Isn’t it ironic that we aren’t getting a blue response on a thread about not getting blue responses?