Blood DKs are out of control

Whats the deal with blood dk? removal after removal, spell discover… OP legendaries… board clears… ASfixiate… blood boil… heal after heal… etc… way out of hands… nerf this shait already…


Yeah death knights in general are crazy right now, the top decks in high elo are dks (vast majority) and paladins (and relic dh).
Met a dk today that healed something like 50 with just discovered cards not counting the lifesteal minions lol.

They just don’t care.

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I know it’s cringe, but at this point I’m roping them. I’m studying for my A+ cert in the meantime so why not. Between that, paladin, and now believe it or not Tony druid seeing play I’m just over it. They truly give zero fudge about the state of game play or how fun it is. For me, it is not fun.

Yeah i’m done. I would rather never play the game again than play one more copy pasta Blood DK deck that has an answer to literally every single card you play, while they kill you with a 7 drop that can easily be discovered more than once per match.

If all you’re doing when you play the game is actively try to make others have a worse time, why not just quit playing? Any game that causes you enough frustration to turn you spiteful is more frustration than it’s worth.

Playing blood Dk is actively making me have a worse time. What’s your point? If I can encourage them to play something else while I learn something and wait to play the 4 horsemen to win then, hey, they made that decision. I have fun when it’s not Blood DK. That deck is absolutely miserable to both play and play against. And in Diamond it’s every other game.

Nobody getting roped ever thinks “it’s because of my deck, I should play something else”.

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