Blood DK is the worst thing that ever happened to HS

I’m literally about to uninstall the game and it’s the first since a long time I’m thinking about doing this.

This cancer is the worst thing that has happened to this game, games last 40 minutes of endless boardclears and overtuned cards.

And on top of that they can discover cards from other rune types because, why not right?

Literally the most stupid thing HS has ever seen.


Like like in WoW, every new class they release is ridiculously imbalanced because they want people to pay for the cards / level boosts.

It’s a marketing strategy, they do not care about the integrity of their games, they have not since Activision invested.

It’s all about getting people in to the micro-transaction frenzy.

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Yet Evoker is total garbage.

Blood DK is only good because overall lethality in standard is much lower after the rotation, which is why attrition is viable strategy once again. Buff some weaker classes (Warlock, Mage, Warrior) and Blood DK will get worse.

Games end on turn 4 all the time, I don’t know what you mean by lethality going down.

All the time? I’ve played around 120 matches since FoL and not a single game has finished at T4. The shortest game I can remember ended at T8 (against Undead Priest).

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With my Shaman I have beaten my opponent on turn 5 but that doesn’t happen very often.

I agree. Never should have added this class to the game.