Blood DK got nothing?

Maybe I’m late to the party, but Blood DK got nothing in Titans (other than a titan)? I’m not having no where near the success I was having prior to the patch. Some of these decks seem a little Op and a lot of games are ending rather quickly against a variety of heros. Part of me feels like maybe theres a bit more balance but it’s also not fun at all get totally facerolled. the only thing I know is Blood Dk seems useless atm.


they told us theyll focus on a rune per expansion and we shouldnt expect all runes to get support each expansion release

Thanks I guess that makes sense…it’s ruining my day though :rofl:

No, they didn’t get anything… because they are already have too much power… They don’t need anything…

Dk blood gets beat by aggro and dk aggro is so slow that other aggro decks win.

The dk class is useless.

Either way this game is garbage and their illegal match-fixing system.

Can’t wait for Microsoft to arrive.


This ^

DK is unplayable right now.


I think you mean it’s ‘rune’ining your day…:rofl:

I’ll see myself out.

Every blood DK I play top decks the clear they need and isn’t exactly complex to play. More thought process goes into playing anything else really.

The way Hearthstone is going is kind of sad, to be honest. No point in adding any more cards to things like Priest or blood DK. We don’t need anymore 30 minute matches where people are just tossing out cards and not thinking.

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I built my blood dk to have some forge stuff in it, also the titan is a very good blood card too.

I like it in the current meta, bc you can get out of otks range, also you can have huge disruptive power, i even put in two dirty rat, bc the two mana kill something is just such good combo too. The only bad thing os mech rouge. Not impossible, but not favored for sure.
Priest can bully you too, but with morgrain and ignis you can beat them down. Also put in sylvanas, so you can steal the titans also.

I’ll update my own thread after a week of playing Plague…I’m at a worse win rate than with blood. I’ve tried 30 card, 40 card, silence, lifesteal…everything. rogues, warriors, priest and pally are just too well equiped. If you dont somehow steal the tier 6 priest card with the low mana spell they’ll just take all your cards and put them in their deck so not even grinding is working. I’ll switch back to blood and see how that goes. other hero’s are very strong atm but I’m grinding my DK to 1k wins so I guess I’m trapped (I’m close to 800 atm)