Blizzard's approach to Heartston with 0 testers

Congratulations, Blizzard managed to make an unbalanced waste deck again. It’s unbelievable that at such a big company there isn’t even a single tester who notices that the big spell mage can easily beat anything…
This goes for the company and the 60-dollar hero portrait…


Source on having 0 testers: zero. Source on a deck being unbeatable: zero.

Tell us at least the deck you play that loses so much and we’ll see.

Tell me then how is it possible to beat him because I have already tried 6 different decks but none of the matches lasted more than 6 rounds against Big spellmage…

Tell us the decks you tried the most. That opponent has a specific opponent type they are very good against and not that great against others. It’s very lopsided at that.

Feel free to elaborate against which enemies “Deal 10 Damage to all enemies and summon a random (10) cost minion” or summoning 4 3/6 Minions with Freeze + Rush for 0 or even 5 mana is “not that great”. I’m really curious.

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No. Of course they don’t pay anyone for this, so if there isn’t an alpha or beta test there’s zero chance of this happening. “Balance tester” is not an actual occupation that exists, it’s volunteer work. Entire industry, not just Blizzard.

which card game are you talking about because isnt HS

eal 10 Damage to all enemies and summon a random (10) cost minion
closest we have to that effect is mordresh
deals 10 damage

but its a 8 mana minion and doesnt summon a 10 mana minion

and to give your elementals from tsunami rush you need a paladin location you can only get by discovering it

Common · Spell · Showdown in the Badlands · Deal 10 damage randomly split among all enemies. Summon a random 10-Cost minion.
are you seriously telling me that you didn’t recognize this?

Or is it that you insist on nitpicking over grammar? Because yeah, it’s split between all, not dealt to all. We get it.

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Not sure why you think sarcasm and mockery is going to get you help.

he said all enemies thats mordresh

Silly Carn

They were never about getting help


Could always just play druid. I would say I’m eating mages for breakfast in diamond 4 - 1 bracket, except that would imply I’m considering them a meal in the first place. It’s more like a single potato chip. They don’t even register.

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