Blizzard you are a joke

Everyone keeps crying about the [removed by moderation team] DH and nothing is being done.
A DH guy played 4 Magtheridons by turn 8.

Are you kidding me? How is any deck suppose to have a chance, please explain.

Please make a tutorial for us noobs if you think that DH is balanced now.


i play a rogue and i can counter DH very well with quickdraws and flint. You gotta dig for treasures to counter. it will almost always give you a counter if you use the treasures at the right times.

What you’re saying is maybe 1 in 100 games. The other 99 you have no treasures.
And like i saying, 4 Magtheridons by turn 8. Nothing anyone can do. I even had my freezing minions.
90% of the times, you don’t have what you need to counter. There are 30 cards in the deck you know?

too soon to complain about the next balance patch they didnt revealt he cards theyll nerf yet

Magtheridon would probably be fine if he didn’t also hit Face


I really don’t think Magtheridon is the issue with DH. As a stand alone card i think it kinda sucks.
The issue is with the weapon and Window Shopper combo. Its too early to have an answer to. So lets say WS should be a 6 mana 6/6 and the weapon should be a 2/3 maybe. But thats it.

I don’t think he is the issue either. I just think it’s strange to also hit face given how many can be generated and for how cheap

Rainbow DK with the freezing weapon counters DH hard.

Such is the case with a lot of cards - they hit face these days as well as board

Right…and look what they did with Prismatic Beam…idk when they will learn when AoE that also hits face can be quite a problem? They literally nerf old ones to not hit face then print new ones that are even more powerful…wait a sec, I think I get it now

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The problem is that it’s not just DH. Zarimi Priest can OTK from full health. Brann + Boomboss can take out 18 cards. These combos are just stupid. It rarely seems to matter what one is playing against, just whoever gets to their stupid combo first wins. It’s maddening and a real turn off.

Wait til’ you see the (old) new OTK shaman again xDDD

yep. experienced that yesterday. This game is a shadow of its former self.

I played that DH deck about 10 times myself and have only got Mag once. Like EVERY card game, it is dictated by rng.

Yes, it doesnt give it to you everytime, thats the balanced part, but when you get it and also have a 6/5 on the board in turn 3, there’s little that can be done.
I think that if they make the weapon 2/3 and the window shopper cost 6, that can balance the game a little.

all they need to do is remove the mana cost decrease from the weapon

Lol, no, that would make the weapon useless.
Maybe they will be careful this time not to destroy the whole class, like they did with Paladin.

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tutoring is a very strong effect by itself and the weapons has nice stats for a 3 mana
the only thing it would kill is the turn 3-4 plays

The weapon and shopper are the core of the issue. I’d say change the cost reduction to (1) from (2) and reduce the stats of the shopper to 5/4 or 6/3. The issue is getting big things on board early by turn 3/4, which can happen fairly consistently. I’m assuming the devs figured the balance would be in the RNG, but they seemed not to realize the fact the pool is diminished in what demons Shopper can roll, thus more chances to get strong minions such as Mag at reduced cost.