Blizzard, the game in unfair and unbalanced

Been playing since HS released, reached legend, done all the solo adventures, bought the portraits etc etc, but i cant justify supporting this game anymore. It seems youre aiming the game towards casuals who want a quick netdeck otk game, and you succeeded. You can make it a great game that has more challenging thought to it, but that would mean putting actual thought into the design. Have fun you other players, hope you still enjoy the game for a long time.

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What deck are you playing, and what opponent deck are you referring to?

Are you talking about mage opponents?

The standard has a single OTK deck right now and the Wild meta is actually mostly aggro decks with the only OTK deck being that unkillable mage list in the meta and a small number of druid (almost not seen). Wild does have a TON of OTK decks running around in casual or lower ranks and it is pretty annoying because control is arguably the worst it’s ever been for the format (midrange is surprisingly playable, just barely), but there’s a ton of deck diversity right now in both formats.

Not saying the game is perfect, there’s a ton of issues right now. Pirates are an issue in wild with the top 3 decks running pirate packages (my skepticism based on hitting legend yesterday – the numbers might say differently), tech cards are some of the worst they’ve ever been in the history of the game for both formats, but the current state of the game is better than it was this time last year.

TBH standard feels worse than wild IMO but if you are relegated to playing Standard because your collection is too small to play wild or if you’re too invested in standard and don’t want to learn an entirely different meta I get that too.

I actually feel like right now is one of the most skill intensive the game has been in a while with some exception (there’s always an exception). Mulligans and decklists right now feel super meaningful and mulligans themselves test your ability to determine risks in deck statistics, coin usage, counters for the first two turns of the game (especially in wild), and having a general understanding of tempo, aggression, and board state against wide arrays of decks.

Recently in Standard there were like 2 or 3 decks before PiP that really felt viable on ladder, wild was seeing seed warlock almost exclusively (with some rogue lists, pain priest, and OTK mage sprinkled in). What do we have now in standard? Like 12 different decks that are competing in tier 1 and tier 2 spots? Wild has even more.

Reno Warrior
Razzle shaman
Rainbow DK/ FFU DK
Buff paladin/ eea giant paladin
Big spell mage/ elemental mage
Pain warlock
Egg hunter
Pirate DH
OTK druid/ dragon druid

Pirate DH
Pirate priest/ undead priest/ pain priest
Skipper warrior
Egg hunter
OTK mage/ elemental mage
Dorian Druid/ OTK druid
Highlander paladin (I personally think this list sucks)/ buff paladin

They dont care. Just want money. Even more with micro$oft. :slight_smile: