Blizzard survey

Blizzard sent me an email survey, saying ‘Every voice matters! Especially yours!’

So I clicked on the survey link. The first question was where I was located. I wasn’t in North America, or in Europe, or in Asia. So I clicked Other.

I was then told ‘Thankyou for your interest in our study. Unfortunately, we are no longer taking responses at this time’ … half an hour after I received the survey email.

It’s pretty clear that Blizzard lied when they said that every voice mattered, and that my voice mattered. My voice doesn’t matter, because of where I live. It’s also clear that Blizzard is not good at public relations.

’ Your feedback will help Blizzard improve fan experience across the globe’… riiiiiight.

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Well I had the same happening in a supermarket lately.
They ask for postal code or however you call that in english.
When I told them they were like “wtf errm ok I enter the local code”.

It’s pretty simple, I was to far away from home, so my code was useless for their datamining. I’d assume the same happend to you. If they can not work with your data it would just cripple the mining process

you’re making excuses for Blizzard and its your-voice-matters we’re-going-around-the-globe claims?


They have a whole forum/social media to pay attention to. Those who wish to speak up generally do there.

There are THREE forums: Americas, Euope, Asia.

Guess which forum gets preferred.

Sorry. I don’t think I even made my point. lol

I meant there are so many places where opinions are given on the game, but we rarely see any effect of anyone on the HS team doing something about what people have to say good or bad. So, I guess what I’m saying is, the survey was more than likely pointless as far as players are concerned.

yes, reports here have no effect.

I’ve reported in this forum that the iOS client crashes when you change login account - the latest of many different problems when fixing logins. no fix.

I’ve reported a forum bug where you can click anywhere in a rectangle to read a thread - but not on the text title. Yet this does not happen on e.g. your activity summary, where you can click on either the text or the background rectangular area. So, porting that html behaviour forumwide would be an esy programming change. Again, no fix.

I was really looking forward to supplying that detailed feedback information in the survey that I was then not allowed to complete.

Reminds me of ‘Your call is very important to us, please don’t hang up’, :rofl: except with an internet flavour instead of those old telephone robots — yes, the ones that greeted you and kept saying that while nobody would pick up (yes, showing how they truly cared, the aforementioned phrase becoming an ironic cliche), not the modern ones that could actually chat with you.

:grinning: Not to mean any offence, but does that surprise you?

That’s closer to it, if you ask me. :grinning: Now, formulating the same idea without the last remnants of beating about the bush, they apparently care not a whit about what people think or say, and that’s it.

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What the… how the hell made I excuses for blizzard.
All I did was explaining how the system (possibly) works, if anything that was the opposite of an excuse.
If I am right, pressing “other” is a function to sort out unnecessary data.

If you try to gaslight ppl try to get the context right dude.
I gave no opinion at all and what I said dosnt make them look good…

Have you considered that I am trying to hold Blizzard to account for its words not matching its actions, and that your mansplaining is both entirely unnecessary and redundant?