Blizzard stop deleting my cards or I'm done

I thought it was odd that I had to craft Defrost for a deck I ran this morning. (I play two accounts and figured this one just never had it.) I did not know core cards were loaners, though this answers the mystery of why I had two copies of everything when Core first came out. I’m with you on it being annoying. On the other hand, IIRC I needed that dust to stay in Standard at the time, so I still got something out of it.

But yeah, you’re thinking of the other Ysera. The newer one was only in Core.

There are plenty of lawyers who are willing to take a really bad case, as long as the client yells loudly enough (and seems willing to pay a lot of money). You could for instance ask Billy Mitchell for the number to his lawyer.

As far as Core goes, it’s a much better (and cheaper) solution than having to buy 100+ Classic packs to get the cards and dust you need to be reliably competitive as a new player (unless you go with an unga bunga common/rare only aggro Hunter). It also means Standard only players actually don’t lose out on anything when Core changes. But it certainly is annoying for Wild (including Wild Brawls) when you suddenly no longer have a card you relied on for various decks.

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Class action lawyers generally only get paid if they win