Blizzard should let us see our " MMR "

You were called out in another thread last week for using multiple accounts to flag people. Talk about pot meet kettle.

It’s obvious OP has a handful of alts. So do you. You spend lots of time here disparaging OP for what you do too.

Pure hypocrisy. You should be banned before him IMO

I have no alts. None.

Stop trolling.

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Yes you do and got called out last week for it. You are the troll and harass OP consistently.

I should report you for trolling and harassment.

Dude, serious, you need to go back under your bridge already. I have zero alts.

If I believed everything I read on these forums I would think the game was rigged and team five hates all classes.

Seriously, please stop. I don’t ever need you to respond to me again. You’re ruining this place with your flag alts and your harassment of posters.

Says the person who uses multiple accounts to flag people she hates. Pure hypocrisy.

You troll and harass others, be prepared to be called out. I do not agree with OPs opinion nor use of multiple accounts. You are also guilty of the exact same thing. You should be banned imo

I think they don’t release MMr’s because some of the time when you are in Diamond, you are being matched against Legend players.
And others are right if that is true.
The player base would have a fit.

For the last time, I have no alternate account accounts here.

I resent the accusation.

You are the multiple accounts. It isn’t a secret.

I have nothing else to say to you on this topic or any other. Please stop harassing me.

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I have one account and one account only. You assume others are using multiple because you are guilty of it. It’s called projection. I will respond to your trolling and call you out on it because OP is guilty of it but so are you. You and all your accounts

Edit: and I am glad you brought up harassment. That’s exactly what you are guilty of. Pot meet kettle. Again.

And ?
When im doing my climb give me all the dumpster legend players in the world, those are way easyer matchs than anyone in Diamond 5 to 1.

You are the op, btw. So you should really stop.

If people don’t know that the op is a Goramier alt, they do now. You created it to bolster your likes in one of the rigged threads.

I wish we had real moderation to clean out the trash that’s accumulating around here.

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I don’t think there is anything wrong wth it, but I believe that if Diamond players knew they were being matched with Legend there would a be a huge outcry.

That makes no sense again i will take anyone on a casual run over those that are realy trying .
You wont get matchs against players in high legend thats all that realy matters.

More harassment. Again. More projection. Again.

You use multiple accounts and got called out for it. Just admit it.

I haven’t flagged anyone in awhile but I think I will flag your spamming harassment. The discussion in this thread was civil until you started in on OP with your hypocrisy.

Now, I am reporting you.

Please do. You’ve been targetting Schyla and others. I will be happy to open a support ticket and escalate it to get to the bottom of it. I have nothing to hide because I am not you.

I know your alts, and I will name them. It’s a simple matter to see IP addresses and time stamps on your logins and your alts.

Thank you.

Ok, I am completely on board with that. I will gladly agree to an account review. I think you and Schyla both are way over due for a banning for using multiple accounts and harassment

But people in WOW can be judged by their Item Level (gearscore) and omitted from groups?

I know I can “pilot” my character better than someone who out gears me marginally.

HS shows us our rank, it allows people to display their Legend Card Back.

I have never been Legend but I have beaten hundreds and hundreds of people using the Legend Card Back, explain that.

Why not show us our MMR?

Just because someone reached legend one time does not make them a good player.

A lucky streak at the right time is all it takes to get a card back.

I wouldn’t use any card back as a proxy for ability.

There. I reported your posts for trolling and spam. I truly hope they review your account and ban you and the rest. I have no problem with them reviewing mine. Half my posts get reported and they send me green messages daily so they know exactly who I am, lmfao

League of legend goes brrrrrrrrr.
We need an ingame chat as well.
Conversations go as following:

A loses hard to highrolling from B

A (legend 300, 2200 mmr) : “You trashy bronze 1200 elo player. Uninstall. You’re deck is cringe. You’re cringe”
B (legend 200, 2300 mmr): " You’re bad, you’re terrible, you play an aggro deck and lose to combo??? LOLOLOL. L2P."

Go get your alts and make it real already. You know how to do it. Go go. You’ve done it to me before, so this shouldn’t be any different.