Blizzard just committed major theft

I swear I got suckered the last time Blizz offered something like this.

Looks like a lot of the cards in the wild bundle offered today are legacy and the 2 legendaries absolutely were and what really pisses me off is that if I didn’t have them in golden I would have had a regular version to dust, but kicker I didn’t. So the 2 legendaries were probably already ones I had.

Thanks for stealing Blizz.

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Is there any way for you to explain further what you mean? Why would legacy not be included in the Wild bundle? I would be mostly interested in the Wild bundle for legacy cards myself

Edit: seriously now thinking about buying this wild bundle I didn’t even know about until this post

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I’m going through my collection now and will update in a few what I actually got. But yes so far the 2 legendaries, which you would think could be from any wild set, are 100% legacy cards which only show me as having a new golden legacy card. Not 2 of each, or 1 regular and now a golden. No, just the 2 new legacy goldens. Which is complete crap because I always have had all the cards by not long after an expansion drops, so at the very least Blizz stole 800 dust from me.

Edit: So came away with 20 commons and 2 rares I did not have. I have about half(?) of all the cards that look like they would be neat looking if you could get them golden, which is what 70% of the cards in the game?

As a side note of the 22 cards I got goldens of I did not have, only 4 were ones I was actively looking for or would have crafted so my success rate was terrible as I feel with older sets I’m looking for at least 1/3 of those cards still.

To put it into perspective if I blow $100 like I’ve been doing once a month for about a year now on 30 packs of a recent xpansion where I’m looking for like 3 epics and 8 legendaries I pretty much don’t get any of those and come away with 10000 dust.

I came away with 4 legendaries, 3 of which were legacy and did not have a regular version left for me to dust, and 1 legendary for the newest expansion the regular version of which is uncraftable, the above mentioned, and 2950 dust.

This is not a good bundle unless you literally have no goldens and just want to treat yourself.

okay, so you bought the golden bundle? that isn’t something that interests me. I just like collecting cards and I’m missing a few Legacy cards since the last Core rotation

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If I’m understanding you correctly, you are upset you didn’t get an offer to re-roll because you already have the golden version of the legendaries you recieved. If so, HOW is that, as you say, MAJOR THEFT?

I believe the way it would work is you needed to roll a Signature version of those leggos you already have golden in order to re-roll, but, again, maybe I’m not understanding it 100%.

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So blizzard stole because OP has a reading comprehension problem

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Ummm excuse me. Where in the hell does it say legendaries from this bundle will be legacy. Seems to me you may have a stupidity problem that causes you to shoot your mouth off at a college grad working in accounting so no I do not have a reading comprehension problem.

It is a golden wild bundle. Which means in theory you could get 2 legendaries from any wild set.

Well for me yeah it’s like $10-$30 they effectively stole from me, but major theft in my way of understanding that would be the fact that perhaps thousands or more players will buy this bundle only to get swindled the way I did. That comes out to thousands or possibly more that they effectively stole from their player base.

If the bundle specifically said these will be 2 legacy legendaries then it would be fine and I probably wouldn’t have bought it. Companies and individuals get sued for doing stuff like this. It’s dishonest advertising, which caused me minor harm.


I still don’t understand your complaint. Legacy is part of wild. Why are you upset at receiving these? What were you expecting to receive instead? Do you already own most other wild legendaries?

It’s a “wild bundle” and legacy is… drumroll… WILD.

A college grad working in accounting seems awfully mad about “$10 - $30” on a bundle that was actually accurately described. It’s not like you bought a standard bundle and got legacy cards.

Somebody has to pay for Windows for the rest of us.

Since both of you are having a hard time understanding my point:

Legacy is wild yes, but the odds of both legendaries being legacy have got to be 1/15 x 1/15 if my statistics is right? No where in the bundle does it say they will both be legacy.

15 = the number of wild expansions by the way. It could 12 or it could be 16. I’m not counting them up.

When I went to find the regular versions of both legendaries assuming I had just gotten golden versions I had only the golden version. Just 1 copy. Nothing else. Hence Blizz is being deceptive.

I should have either had a regular version I could dust for 400 or 2 golden copies of which I could dust 1 for 1600. But instead I had neither. So effectively I got nothing. 2 Legendaries have to be worth something monetarily as otherwise why isn’t Blizz just giving them to you for free?

Hence they stole from me at least. I’m assuming this is an issue with this bundle that is affecting more than just myself.

And so with that I’m coming here trying to help the community not get scammed like I just did, but instead I get flamed because of course whenever you post anything on line there always has to be the jack*** who has to be oh so you don’t like watermelon, when all I said was I like bananas.

I hate the internet at times. I’m leaving this post. Good day.

so you’re saying that they took away your regular copy? Are you sure you actually had all legacy legendaries? If you believe that opening a pack took away existing cards then support should give them back, because that has never happened.

You missed the part up top where I say I have all the cards unless in going with this legacy core crap they took cards away from players, but the two that I received from the bundle I know I had. So yes they either took away my regular copy or the bundle regifted me a golden legacy legendary that I already had and did not count both copies allowing me to dust one. One was Ysera the Dreamer, and another one I got from buying the bundle or opening packs (I got 3 legendary legacy cards) was Alexstrasza. I had both cards from when they originally became available. I have always refused to play the game with less than all of the cards available. Yes I know some cards are garbage. Doesn’t matter. Every expansion that has dropped I’ve acquired all the cards with that expansion within 2 weeks of the expansion dropping. As an accountant I am very careful too to make sure I have them all as when I have opened the packs I got from buying the expansion and say 140 packs on top of that I took inventory of what was left to acquire, determined the dust cost and kept buying packs until I had everything. I have spent too much on this game for sure.

I understand your complaint now. You had every card until the most recent Core rotation, so you were expecting to pull golden duplicates of what you already had. Maybe you did not realize that Core cards are temporary, not a permanent part of your collection, and that they move to the Legacy set when they are taken out of Core. This happens every spring with the Core rotation