Blizzard, I urge you to reconsider removing duels

I was extremely into hearthstone around when it came out, and I quit shortly after. I began playing again in 2020, with renewed interest thanks to Adventures, the new roguelite mode, and fell in love with Duels. I’ve bought every tavern pass since Murder at Castle Nathria, and every coin I get goes into playing heroic Duels. I’m pretty bad at it, and rarely win, but I don’t care, because the mode has always been so fun that it doesn’t matter to me. Every time a new expansion is released, I’m immediately stoked to find out how it’ll play in Duels.

With the removal of Duels, my reason for playing Hearthstone is basically gone. I seriously urge you to reconsider removing the best game mode, because there’s really nothing like it. There aren’t many PVP deck-building games. I understand not wanting to update or balance it anymore, but at least leave it as an option to play. I can’t imagine the server costs aren’t paid for by people playing.


Same here dude. Blizz can at least keep duels while paying minimal effort to maintain this mode. Is it unaffordable? I believe there are still some players buying packs for this mode.


They are removing duels because barely anyone plays it anymore.

No they are removing it because it does not bring any money and not because of


Game owners don’t read comments! Here there are only comments from users!! Waste of time!! And get ready because they will go out!! These two modes are not important, what I find bad is the XP bar that was supposed to be at a fixed level of 1350 and now this value is increasing, but the reward DOES NOT CHANGE, it remains 50 gold!! This small and imperceptible change, I HAVE NOT READ ANY COMMENTS ABOUT THIS FACT, makes the hearthstone user have to spend more money on the game!!

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Blizzard only cares about the money nothing else in other words.

The sole survivor will be the entity generating income; everything else will gradually be phased out.


Please don’t remove duels, between that and battlegrounds thats all I play. I’ve been playing since 2014. Thank you


guys it’s obvious that hearthstone is nearing the end, if you remove an entire game mode instead of expanding it you’re only doing so because the project isn’t healthy, of course you don’t create panic otherwise no one would drop a dollar anymore… Still at most two years before of the end of hearthstone


No, he removes the mode because it was a trash mode and if it helps balance the other modes, I am for removing the duel mode.

I can’t even imagine if they manage to balance the game, we will soon see the idiots who got the wrong type of game (the aggro players) come and cry because they lose again against the control decks so they will cry for a nerf control decks.

Hearthstone for me is 50% duels and 50% battlegrounds, which means I can’t see myself continuing to collect packs and repurchase the expansions anymore, I really hope they will at the very least communicate openly with the community about how this decision came to be made, by whom, and for what purposes.


I totally agree! I hate regular arena option. I am terrible at it and totally hate it. I will never play arena regular EVER! It is a waste of my time and energy and materials!


lol joke is on them! I rarely spend money on blizzard!! After 30 yes of wow on still being required to pay for expansions I said enough is enough. If they care more about $50 then $15 monthly then screw them!! I’ll play games for free and give the huge finger to the rest!