Blizzard, FIX YOUR SH*T

I just lost an arena match due to your crappy server freezes. Since a couple of days the ingame-server-freezes are back. This means that suddenly nothing happens anymore. You either notice it directly in your own turn which is easy to spot, or when your opponent doesn’t do anything anymore but there’s no rope appearing. The only way to solve it is to quickly restart the game which will cost you time.

However, it just happend in the Arena in T3. My opponent and me both had 30 HP and he had only two minions with together 6 damage in total on the board. I suspected the game froze after he made his turn but no rope appeared after 30 seconds. I quickly restarted the game and it was automatically lost for me.

Needless to say that he couldn’t finish the game 30 seconds after T3 with 6 damage on the board.

It can’t be that people lose PAID game modes due to your servers. We gave you billions of dollars, DO SOMETHING with the money.

I know it’s a crazy idea but you could actually use it to do something for us in return for once. You lost total control over so many aspects of the game, everything is broken. Get your sh*t together Blizzard, I’m fed up.

You’ve been using the same client for 10 years without a single tech update. You should know your software inside out with closed eyes. This is unacceptable.


Doesn’t justify the freezing, but how did you log out currently a known issue

I always leave with Alt + F4, didn’t help.

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Its been two expansions, hope they look into it before the holiday season of 2025.

completely reasonable and rational reaction. Maybe try crying into a pillow?

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