Blizzard, do you read the community messages?

Twist mode is same garbage like all game, you doing nothing for balance and you thing somebody will buy your next expansion? Your plan is just kill the game? You just made the next mode instead of fixing it.

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Find the title amusing when combined with “your plan is just to kill the game”, as people on the forum treat it as a way to pad their ego in reddit-type debates, with no intent to reach a conclusion or look at objective gameplay issues, with full focus on each persons anecdotal evidence.

At that point I find it amusing people complain Blizzard not reading / having issues reading from the forum, as even bug reports by themselves have turned into a place for people to start interrogating other users out of pure denial instead of leave that to the devs.

If you do not understand what i talking about, do not answer

oh just a troll…

first i thought you didnt know devs told us the mode will have balance changes( didnt give us a date )then i got to that bit

Balance like in stadard :smiley: Just wait and we will see. I do not believe then will be first balance patch. You are the Troll what have hidden iformations on your Account.

Pretty sure no staff reads here. Even tech support answers are as rare as a unicorn.

I thing so, its forum for nothing. My messages looks like im hater but i also have account on EA and there i have possitive comments becouse they listen community and support is Brilliant. Many times people from EA answered on my question.

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Unfortunately Blizzard only cares about Streamers and the loud minority on social media. The (constructive) feedback on forums just fall through. I don’t know many companies that are as bad at commuincation as Blizzard.

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Exactly thats what i mean. I agree

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Funny thing is, and I’ll take D4 as example since I don’t have one for Hearthstone, they stated that Blizzard staff is monitoring the forums, taking notes and the like. I think that’s a lie. No one is watching. No one is taking notes. They do what they want to do and pretend it’s what the community wants. Given the people on the forums are a minority compared to the whole playerbase, but a minority that isn’t silent, but is unheard. Ehh. It’s just pointless and frustrating x.x Let’s not start with the “community managers”.

Exactly, they lying many years. And scamming their community. That is their plan :smiley:

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Uh, no. Its public knowledge that acti-blizzard does not read their official forums anymore. Been that way for years.

This place is just a garbage disposal for players to vent amongst themselves.


Right back at ya, my point was good feedback is easily drowned out on this forum. Feedback is a big portion of how balance works.
User tests product > User doesnt like / unsure of X function > Developer tries to fix X function.
They can also in some cases view stats on their end on how X function is used, but that doesnt paint the full picture.

You give dev feedback on their twitter nowadays, not on their official forums.


Kinda yeah, but that wasnt my point, I was explaining my earlier message as they clearly didnt understand why I replied.

(this current reply bugged for some reason, didnt post right)

I wouldn’t really listen to this community either…Blizzard in general has no clue what they are doing anymore…Why do you think exactly that the community knows better :)))…Look at the comments people are putting up here…This are the same people that are supporting the game :)))…It doesn’t really make the game justice =))…So by extrapolating this, a dumpster game deserves a … community :slight_smile:


No, they do not care about the community. I honestly don’t know why these forums even exist!