Blizzard completely neglects Hearthstone

I’m a regular player in both wild meta and standard, but what’s going on in both formats is frustrating and at the same time infuriating how Blizzard doesn’t care and doesn’t even know what’s going on in ranked.
In Wild there is only Shadow priest Totem shaman aggro druid nothing else…


They DO know what’s going on. It’s just that Hearthstone is meant to be addictive and most players don’t have self control and continue to play no matter what the meta is.

Explain how this is a cheating algorithm, please. Don’t forget to provide your evidence if you wish to delve into some sort of coded, tin foil hat nonsense because this is just general game mechanics. Annoying as they are, it isn’t cheating. Not to mention, btw, Theo is a card. I’ll let you use your couple brain cells to understand that statement. Good luck.

P.S. You don’t need to respond. I know you’re a troll who finds copium in posting these things because you don’t know how to play the game beyond Bronze. However, you may give it a go if you wish. I am a bit bored atm. Entertain me.


All the aggro paladins I meet all have Boogie Down turn 3, I tried to play the aggro paladin and out of 10 matches, I only had Boogie Down turn 3 twice, yes 2 matches out of 10 (i.e. 20%) whereas the aggro paladins I meet are 100% (It’s just impossible unless the game is rigged.).


C’mon, now…


return to your account borea the troll.

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I see where your brain went here, but I am my own person, thank you.

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I’ll leave the troll to you.

This right here is the reason you will never, ever be good at HS

GOOD? on your mentally ill game?

Get rid of the troll.

This right here is the reason why you will never have real life friends.

The fact you don’t realize that’s what I’m doing by talking to you speaks volumes, sir

No, that might be what you’re attempting to do, but not what you’re actually doing. The fact that he continues to reply indicates that you’re failing.

What, really??

Let me go ahead and delete everything I’ve ever written and tell my current friends we can no longer see each other because… SlimReaper (super cool name) says so

I never meant to actually do anything other than find a little enjoyment from one of our tin foil hat conspiracy theorists; as I stated:

But alas, my work day is almost over, so we have arrived at the close of this discussion.

P.S. I saw you mention you were in the military earlier this morning. Thank you for your service, sir. Hope life is treating you well.

Well I do believe that. But if the cat says that it’s just trying to get rid of the mouse when it actually wants to play with its food, then that cat is a liar. (This normally isn’t an issue because cats can’t talk.)