Blizzard balance the game

They do this every season introduce a blatantly overpowered card such as Morgannon which can deal 20 damage anywhere board or face turn six. there’s so many more especially a lot of the low cost titan cards and legendarys. I’m finding that the adrenaline fiend, dangerous cliffside and treasure distributor is as fun as putting your family jewels in a hydraulic press with a “1000” degree hot knickel ball. i just feel like blizzard employees have any idea and just go with it WITH ZERO AFTER THOUGHT. Ok heres an idea, let’s not sexually assault other employees and spend that extra time making sure that cards you introduce into the game are actually tested and balanced within the meta before you let loose your steaming pile of new otk cards.

I would like some real change to come regarding how future cards are introduced and i understand hearthstone is a free game but there comes a point where a free game is ruined by corporate greed. trying to shill more and more coinage every season with a new card you are forced to buy to keep your deck you’ve meticulously cobbled together relevant or like i do stop playing until the patches come in always near the end of the season when it doesn’t even matter because your about to cop another giant hot steaming pile of the newest “ideas” they’ve cooked up

i apologize to the reader as some of this rant probably doesn’t come off as coherent but i’m sure a lot of players understand where I’m coming from