Blizz, never again

…do events for standard.

and now that his clown fiesta is gone.

I’m calling for more frequent nerfs. you can tweak numbers the next day if you want, but I guess it’s an top-level thing… logic even is server side. card text I can see being needed on the client side. why pay to store that data. I’d rather see 1 nerf a day to reach more balance, than 0 for a month before an expansion. you may even bump it back up before the launch.

Nerf stuff faster.

Do you realize since last expansion we’ve ha dupdates every 2 weeks in average ?
27.0 dropped 07/25
27.0.3 dropped 08/08, 14 days later
27.2 dropped 08/22, 15 days later
27.2.2 dropped 08/30, 8 days later
27.4 dropped 09/19, 20 days later
Next patch has been teased last week to be coming soon so we can assume this or next week, which means 8 to 14 days later

Are you really asking for the insane absurdity of a daily balance patch ?
Do you realize you can’t collect relevant data in a single day ?
How can you know if a deck is objectively strong if you don’t give people time to try to counter it before you just nerf it ?
People will never ever try to build smart to counter decks if they know what they lose to will be nerfed the next day.
Heck people won’t even build decks anymore if the cards they craft are going to be nerfed the next day and their whole remaining deck is useless
Not even talking about tournaments. Imagine playing any tournament hosted on several days and your deck can suddenly become garbage between 2 rounds because daily patch went by.

Do I think that patchnotes are currently well spaced in time ? Yeah. More frequent would be too much change in your collection and too much to keep up with.

Do I think the balance patch are fine as they are ? No. They could obviously be better. Sometimes they overnerf a card, sometimes they overnerf. It’s fine to have strong cards. Even winconditions held in a single card. As long as they don’t come out too quickly or are not supported by too much strong cards. But that doesn’t mean you have to overnerf a card and keep a strong deck, or overbuff a card in a mediocre deck.
Sometimes they found the perfect middle ground. More often they don’t.


pfft the event was fun its good toh ave events in standard is a bad idea not to have them just because of some anti fun players

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Agree, lets make the next event a priest vs priest matchup only, those who don’t like events must be anti fun players.

Not daily exactly. But smaller changes more often. I’d rather see tweaks together with big nerfs more frequent than them gathering data for weeks or not nerfing waiting for a new set to break new things.

You spoke about why would they craft cards just to be nerfed, they do that today anyways. But smaller changes doesnt mean killing off an achetype. I still do good with bio shaman, and that was a number change only.

Tournaments, how many watch for the gameplay and not free packs? Shouldn’t pros be able to adjust to odin being 1 mana more?

Im not saying fate splitter treatment every day. Small nerfs to numbers more often, and problematic cards when needed.

I’m quotting because I find it usefull, not to attack you sentence bien sentence (I felt like I should say that in advance)

Well you literaly said you’d rather see 1 nerf a day

The longest we had to wait between 2 balance changes was 20 days since last expansion
If you want an effective balance change you need several days to gather metrics. One is not enough, I assume you will mostly see the same decks as pre-nerf until people understand how the decks have been impacted. In 2 you will see the meta adjustement, wha ttends ot be stronger now. In 3 you will se the new outliners.
So the shortest you’d have to wait to gather metrics is 3 days. Then you need to come up with an appropriate balance patch, ask for it to be developped/changed/whatever, make a minimum ammount of internal testing with it, make all the required actions to push it live, and trigger the update on clients when required, including on mobile which is much more complicated.

That being said, if it was possible, would it be a good thing to do ? If you just nerf the outliners of your 3 days old meta, why would people bother to find counters ? Where’s the rock/paper/scissors if the game is permanently making holes in the paper, eroding the rock, and blunting the scissors ?

I’m not talking only about big official tournaments, there are also lots of community tournaments played by hundred of players at a time

Yet the answer is no, they shouldn’t.
They prepare decks in advance, for a specific meta. You can’t ask them to queue with a specific decklist for a specific meta and change the rules applied to their key cards just before they start their round (comments about anomalies comming soon)

Yes I would like to see that rather than having a deck on top for weeks while the forum gets filled with nerf posts. if they see warlock overrepresented, and they choose to nerf symphony by 1 mana, then next day. they think hunters have a too-strong early game and nerf the 4/1 spam to 3/1. then some buffs. and then notice after a few days. warlocks fell from 60% to 40% wr, revert the symphony nerf, and nerf reverberations by 1 mana.

It doesn’t just mean nerf something each day. can also be buff.

Which decks today are created to be a direct counter to another?
most I see is people adding dirty rats and hope they snipe odin or sargeras.

When it comes to tournaments, I stopped watching them after toast stopped. I don’t find them enjoyable to watch when they all play same decks anyways. I can see when the players have money on the line want to play the stuff that gives them the best chance to win. but nerfing a card still gives everyone the same disadvantage to adapt to the change.

fun is subjective, my friend


As a game dev, me and my team dropped full game updates every week (three of us). So its a very poor excuse to claim every two weeks for patches is sufficient.


OR don’t throw out an expansion in every 3 months only 1-2 in a year so You would have time to test things out before release… and make it more balanced instead of experiment every stupid idea on us…

I’m not saying do absolutely NOTHING in Standard, but there’s a reason other modes exist, especially Tavern Brawl and now Twist.

What’s frequent? It seems they do patches way more often than they did a while go. It’s funny how you mention you don’t want events for Standard anymore when arguably changing up the meta on, what, a weekly basis is essentially the same thing. I think their current schedule of nerfs is fine unless there is something terribly oppressing.

I agree to this.

One aims to balance the other to create imbalance. +5 hp matters not but when a rogue can dump their start hand turn 1…

I think you missed my point

Possibly, explain if you want.

I just want more frequent minor nerfs a mana here and there or dmg, major nerfs like removing wf from Ignis or targeting cards should ofc be handled with more care, as they are truely meta changing.

If one compares anomalies to frequent nerfs, those who like anomalies should welcome the idea. But as you say. Most likely i missed you points as im writing trash inbetween tasks.

Nerfs/Balance changes shake up the meta. You don’t want events because they shake up the meta. Though the intention of these two things may differ, they are the same in what they cause, whether one causes less than the other.

I found it interesting you want one more frequently while asking for something arguably the same tho different in nature never to happen again.

Either way, I think the current schedule of nerfs is fair, unless there is a card/cards/deck that is notably oppressive (Demon Hunter release for example; how long did it take? Less than 24 hours?).

You should give more context than that for it to be relevant.
What’s the size of your game overhall ? How do you compare to hearthstone in general in terms of production rate ? What was the impact of your weekly updates ? Did you have to balance a game with so much variations that you can’t predict ? Did you make direct balance changes on items your players directly or indirectly paid for ?

Even considering that, my whole point is not about if it’s possible but if it’s a good thing to have more frequent patch. And what I say is I think a patch every 2 weeks is just right. I don’t want to see a balance patch every week or even more often. A bugfix every week sure. Even every 2~3 days if important. But I also say that the current patches we have are not satisfying. I’d like more subtle buffs on side cards and subtle nerfs on key cards, and less big buffs and big nerfs.

Hearthstone is a fraction of the games we make. We make open world rpgs, simulators, and tycoons. I dont need you to validate my relevancy. If anything your lack of background gives you no ground here other than “upset gamer”. P.S. Patches and bug fixes came out same day to next day always.

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I’m not trying to give you relevancy. Just saying that anyone can come here and claim they can do better that blizzard.
I can claim that in my development project, new updates are only delivered every 3 months and it’s fine as is. We, the 3 devs and out tech lead, only wish we could drop more bugfixes but management doesn’t allow more frequent production deployments. Sometimes we are lucky and they allow minor patches.

But what’s relevant with what I just said if I give no context ? Because I didn’t lie about anything, but I didn’t mention we are not developping a game but a billing app.

And once again you missed the whole point.
Yeah you can drop a patch every day, but is it a good thing ?

It’s nice to have a similar experience to share. It’s stupid to use it has an argument of authority.

3 months for a billing app, youre compairing apples to oranges at this point.

“Yeah you can drop a patch every day, but is it a good thing ?”
Are you serious? Im so sorry my team values its players input and experience. I’ll be sure to tell me team we should drag a** from here on because it’ll make our players happier. Do you not see the issue with your arguement? When theres a problem you fix it. You dont wait a week to fix a roof leak, and I argue you dont wait a week to fix a faulty update.

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If you straightup decide to ignore when I go your way there’s no point in continuing to talk about it

i can only get behind this if it is obviously broken. like shudderwock, or DH day 1. or, bug fixes. otherwise, 1 day is not enough time. you don’t have enough data to nerf anything. you have to let a meta develop, before nerfs can be impactful. just my two cents. i’m not a designer/dev, but that’s my uninformed opinion anyway.

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