Blizz needs to work on pack randomization

I get that there are only so many cards in an expansion.


I have purchased and opened 26 packs. I have received 5 copies of the rare spell “Dimensional Ripper”. Really? 135 cards and I’ve managed to hit a 20% chance to get the same card every pack I open?!

I’m still have another 35 packs to purchase and open. So that means I should end up with 12 copies of this card by the time it’s all said and done.


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I remember getting like 20 candle shots in like 80 packs, not 1 golden.

Blizzard needs to work on RNG system that decides card randomization that keeps messing up to the level that you know who wins in the first minute

If you know who wins in the first minute, you’re either bad, playing with bad players or playing a hard counter matchup. No match between decent players is decided in a minute unless one hard counters the other

I’m not bothering to count the math but hitting a 20% chance is actually very likely…

yes i am bad, i win 20 games continuously and then i lose at least 15.
The same person playing the same deck. That proves it, i am bad.

You lost to the same deck 15 times in a row and you didn’t think “Hm, maybe I should tech against this deck a bit”?

So yeah, it actually kinda does. A good player would have thought of ways to modify their deck a bit to make the matchup more favorable.

So it was ok, when you won 20 games, but not when you lost 15? What about those poor people who lost against YOU?

You can’t tech against it because as soon as you try you stop Qing into them.

That’s definitely what happens, yep, absolutely. That’s definitely why I make it to high ranks in part by teching against what I’m seeing.