It turns out if YOUR CALLED the N word, blizz will suspend YOU. Maybe the other person gets suspended as well, im not sure. BUT, i was called the N word, i laughed said they were stupid and reported them. I am now suspended. I had a GM tell me “there is nothing we can do about it” Took screen shots of the GM saying “theres nothing we can do about it” as soon as i made the report. Whats worse is knowing the report was made, and they refused to do anything about it lol. How can you tell what race anyone is? I laugh that my own race will automatically ASSUME your race and call you the N word. lol. As a Caucasian, i Knoooow how racist most of us are. I knooow thats the ONE thing WE ALL have in common. We were brought up to hate/dislike all the other “colors” besides ours. We really need todo better. Very rare few dont have this issue. But the vast majority do. People need to change
Sorry if you think all white folks are racist (I assume you include yourself, but maybe you’re too sanctimonious). If you ever care to meet some white people who are not racist, feel free to message me and I’ll give you the opportunity. All that said, your problem is not with racist white folks, your problem is with Blizzard AI bots. Blizz itself has essentially closed all doors to direct communication with humans (regardless of color) at their site. Good luck
This is why you were suspended.
P.S. Even your screen name can be seen as offensive.
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