Blizz action needed - Trust Levels on these forums need a COMPLETE overhaul

I nominate you for TL3

The 20k post read requirement is especially hard to reach for people like me who spend most of their times on the forums in a specific branch (in my case, Bug Reports). I like to keep informed about the status of the game, and then help others who are having problems. But there are not that many posts there, and typically the Community discussions are not that interesting to me.

Sending links to information and pictures to help others would be great. At least there are workarounds with the Preformatted text tag, for example.

Just to clarify, I am one of the Customer Service and Tech Support Forum MVPs with a primary focus on Overwatch. Yeah only 10 posts here, but Iā€™d like to have the most experience with the new forums (as Overwatch got the new forums nearly a whole year before anyone else), this is why I chimed in on this post. The concerns in this thread are nothing unique to the Hearthstone community, and for the most part I personally agree with many of your concerns. This is why I recommend chime in on the support site forum, As that forum is more strongly oriented toward the feedback of how Blizzardā€™s websites, including the forums, are put together.

However, it is my intention to participate in conversations here on the Hearthstone forums, as Hearthstone is my second favorite Blizzard game, though expect me to be mostly on the technical support forum helping players mostly of disconnections where possible.


I made the horrible mistake of praising the developers for their changes to the Ranking system, and got reported by trolls for it.

So Iā€™m bumping this thread, as requested, but Iā€™ll also take this occasion to ask a real N00b question: how does one find out what their Tier or Trust Level or whatever it is called is?

It tells you your Trust Level in your summary. Most people are either designated new or members.


Iā€™m Trust Level 2! Now I just have to (reads instructions for Level 3) read TWENTY-EFFING-THOUSAND POSTS in the next 100 days??? Welp, 2nd best is fine I guess.

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No. From experience on the Overwatch forums, once you lose trust level 3, you have to go through the same process as before to get it back, but you will eventually get it.

Itā€™s much easier to do on the Overwatch forums though where hundreds of people are posting all the time. Thereā€™s a lot more opportunity for likes and long threads to scroll through for the read count requirement. There, itā€™s basically just a matter of time.

Iā€™ve had trust level 3 on the Overwatch forums five or six times. I usually lose it within a couple months of getting it though lol. False flagging there is insane.

I did but I donā€™t frequent the forums enough anymore to and, given my weekly Bad Religion video postings, probably would have lost it by now if moderation has gone algorithmic

Edit: I havenā€™t even booted up HS in 2 weeks or whenever Ikoria launched for Magic.

Currently trust levels are separate for each Blizzard game forum.

They should at least make trust levels forum wide throughout all blizzard game forums. This would make it slightly easier to get trust levels if it combines my Diablo, Warcraft, Starcraft, Heroes of the storm and Hearthstone posts.

i remember i stopped playing for over a month a while ago dont even remember if it was on these forums or the old one

when i came back i couldnt post and i got a message saying " you need to win 3 ranked games "
is this still a thing ?

man if wardrum got banned the rules are way too strict.

Dude Iā€™m on like my 3rd of 4th this year alone lol


Thatā€™s ridiculous! Wow

100% AGREE WITH YOU. The trust lvls conditions are ridiculous.

Another thing i wanted to mentions is that the ban requirements need to be adjusted as well.
Right now you get banned for nothing and i mean for absolutely no reason. For ex you might get banned cause some players happen to disagree with you and report you for no reason.
This needs to be changed as well (since trust lvl 3 requires that you havent got banned ever i think). If the mods dont like a post the might delete it first and send the OP a watch out message. But the banning rate is absurd.

If you donā€™t mind, for what? I never see you curse or anything

Usually being snarky in one way or another.

Folks like to point at me for boyscout behavior, but when I show some snark/sarcasm, certain butthurt individuals start mass reporting me and I get banned. Itā€™s just how it is, but itā€™s also why Bowser and I rag on the moderation so hard around here. Jesse at least looked at the context of things and would make a judgment call, nowadays itā€™s just randos responding to a flag, ready to ban whoever made them do some kind of work.

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Despite the amount of reports I get, I never report ppl

I almost never find it to be worthwhile. Trolling happens everywhere online and if theyā€™re funny, thatā€™s all the better.

That dude who kept making weird hate threads at me was the most entertaining thing Iā€™ve seen on here in months.


Ive had 3 bans so far as well in 2020. 1 I know about. It was the top 10 Im so sick post where ppl took offense and thought I was downplaying covid or something which I wasnt. I was just trying to bring some funnies to the forums based on current events. My own brother was trying to get a test. My other 2 bans I have no idea what I did and Blizzard wouldnt tell me. I dont give much a crap about forums anymore since I cant post pics for a year. I got better things to do now. SO I will never get trust 3 back and I am actively looking for something to replace HS because I dont feel like a valued customer anymore.

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