Bazaar Bulgary Broken?

I had an opponent have Bazaar Bulgary trigger when he played a card that copies two of my cards, we were both rogues, and the text specifies a different class not player.

Since you were Rogue, did you play cards which give you cards from a random other class? Maybe those are the cards your opponent copied. Do you have any replay log, screenshot or video recording? That would help us understand the situation.

No screenshots I’m afraid, I was using the Galakrond’s Guile deck given to me so maybe there’s something in there I’m not familair with.

In that deck Pharaoh Cat and the Draconic Lackeys can generate cards in your hand from other classes.

Also, now that I think about it, do you remember which card your opponent played? Copying cards from the opponent is more of a Priest theme. He could of course have generated Thoughtsteal (but that copies cards from your deck, so Cat and Lackey would not normally contribute to that pool). So, is it possible that your opponent played a card like Clever Disguise instead, which has an animation showing the cards coming from you, but really they are from a random other class than the one who plays it?
Common · Spell · Saviors of Uldum · Add 2 random spells from another class to your hand.

I didn’t know you could post card images without TL3, how do you do that?

So long as the image is from a trusted site (such as, the image will link.

Search for a card on, then right-click the card and click Copy Link Location, then paste that in a comment.
Common · Spell · Demon Hunter Initiate · Give your hero +2 Attack this turn. Add