Blademaster okani

i just got completely shut down in a round 7-10 (ranked wild) series of blademaster okani objections resulting in the opposing player’s board being filled completely (yes 7) blademaster okanis…as you can guess there was nothing I could do except be irritating and rope the ridiculous loss to the finish. anyone seen this awful madness or sorcery before? sorry for the lack of hard details. it’s late, i’m frustrated from the lack of sportsmanship involved with these burner decks, and i honestly, couldn’t tell you the player or the class i was playing against…i’ll update if i get locked out of options with this crazy strategy again. i just can’t even think of how it’s possible to stack okani and the objections so deep that the other player is forced to wait out death or concede

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This is part of the meta for the foreseeable future: opponent filling their board with copies of OP cards and hoping you either can counter them, or watching your opponent crunch you.

Eventually, you might fill your board with copies of OP cards and your opponent hoping they can either counter them, or watching you crunch them.

Rinse and repeat, aren’t you thankful?!


hmm 7 okanis

you must know how this was done and the fact isnt easy to pull

isnt exaclty a new card

I see the problem. The game is supposed to end by turn 5.

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You were the only one BMing.

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Top kek.

Also, sad, but true.

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i dropped this in the forum for help, educational…because I mistakenly thought this was somewhere you could get information or help. Thank you. I appreciate it. Now I know exactly what the forum is for.

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There are people here who are genuinely willing to help. You just have to ignore the pro company trolls. Especially the ones the mods will kill entire threads for rather than action for repeatedly violating coc.

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I don’t think using the time allowed for 2 turns is that awful…I was trying to figure out how this was happening and if there was any defense in my hand. subsequent irritation would be collateral and quite mild, i’m sure…what i didn’t mention was that the opponent was spamming “thank you” at me the whole time as well. Perhaps judgement wasn’t the answer to my question. Thanks anyways though

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did you play agaisnt someone else doing the same play ? because all the ways i can think to pull this are highroll or need a combo you have to build

i woudlnt worry about seeing this board often for example if all the copies were 1/1 a treasure from kasakuzan was used

thinking about it…there were 2 rounds- okani was played once, then they copied about 4 in the 2nd round with a lot of card shuffling. I think it takes 2 or 3 cards to get the infinite multiply thing going. It was all done on the board, no shuffling in copies , but the okanis were all played out of hand full stats, and somehow there was enough mana generated to play all of them with mana left over. I played at least a couple minions and a couple spells trying to push through them. I wish I could remember what class. warrior maybe, pally…not a mage because there weren’t secrets involved.

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