Big Problem: Beast Hunter

Everyone is expected to bring Beast Hunter since it does everything exceedingly well, and most players are planning to ban it (or conversely, ban priest and hope to steamroll with it and win a mirror).

I thought I was drunk when I played him and the opposite of what I expected happened.

Expectations: I choose a DR and the effect triggers

Result: I choose a DR and it’s added to my hand.

Is it automatic the fact that when you discover something it gets added to your hand? Is it supposed to add the minion to the hand?

Generally, yes.

Warlock’s Phylactery does the same thing.

Unless the card itself says something else will happen, Discover means add the discovered option to your hand.

The main outlier is:

Epic · Spell · Rise of Shadows · Discover a 6-Cost minion. Summon two copies of it.

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In what bracket, and at what are the follow-up deck’s winrates?
vS uses a more refined statistical approach to the raw data, as opposed to HSR, in general their numbers are narrower than HSR’s one, at least from what I’ve seen/remember.

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