Big Problem: Beast Hunter

I’m going to show here the data on Beast Hunter. This deck is simply overpowered. It’s also overplayed. Yes it may not be #1 at top legend but most players are not in that strange meta and have to deal with a class versus which we’re all at a disadvantage (unless you play Beast Hunter too).

Position in Meta


Matchup Spread


Bump because this is rather important. Sorry.

Beast hunter is definitely too strong but i dont know where the out rage is for aggro druid. That is beyond broken.

Aggro Druid is certainly powerful – perhaps too powerful. Nevertheless Beast Hunter is even more broken.

Aggro druid gets stomped by spooky mage. In fact spooky mage has a chance against beast hunter as well. That’s potentially one reason for the lack of outrage. I assume everything that isnt beast hunter’s winrate is against beast hunter lol

I believe part of the lack of outrage is the way Beast Hunter plays. The deck plays for board, and so players feel like they have an opportunity to win or lose fairly.

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Blizzard confirmed today via Twitter they have no intention to balance the class (or anything) anytime soon, no matter how dire players may think things are.

Anyhow, my main gripe against beast Hunter is it shows how overpowered the deck is or how underpowered the expansion is.

It’s very disappointing in the sense that the expectation is that the miniset would shake up the meta, but according to VS the best beast Hunter deck runs zero miniset cards.

I don’t believe the expansion is that underpowered, so I think it’s mostly the former.

Anyhow, everyone must realize by now, if they nerf hunter, some other decks will come out on top and who knows if you will enjoy playing against them as much?

Think back, to and think about the most enjoyable meta you ever played, what did it have that made it do enjoyable?

For me one of the most enjoyable metas was cube lock, to this day I still believe it was the all time funnest meta because every game could be play out in a massive array of different ways. The deck itself, cubelock, was famous for being able to play as a mid range, combo or control/fatigue deck, something that has not repeated once in the history of Hearthstone.

I think you’re misunderstanding what I am saying. Let me be clear in that I do not want Beast Hunter killed but I want it tamed a little bit.

That’s a little wishful thinking wouldn’t you agree? When in the history of Hearthstone has a t1 deck that has been nerfed stay t1? A: never, it almost always falls to at least t3 or t4. I’d say that pretty much means a death sentence.

Link, please. There’s nothin @playhearthstone

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There have been instances wherein decks receive nerfs and are not exactly killed. It’s definitely possible.

Check Abar Twitter he mentions what is planned this week. I can’t post links.

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Hey, you can post links by highlighting the link and clicking on the “Preformatted text” option. Hope that helps.

How’s a deck falling win rate means it’s killed? Tier 3 is perfectly playable.

What can’t be is Beast Hunter having a literal fully green matchup spread except for itself. That’s release DH levels of busted


Here’s the tweet:

ooC has an article about it:

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Aside question but has Dew been fixed?

Not yet AFAIK, but according to the ooC article it “is expected” to before the Masters Tour.
Ergo: Draw your 5 cards a turn while you can. :crazy_face:

I find Mill Druid immensely fun; however it’s almost unplayable and not because of this bug.

Keep in mind that Nathanos is bugged as well, so technically Beast Hunter should be a tad bit stronger than reports show.

As I’ve stated before, Hunter has always been the class that’s always allowed to just remain insanely strong in nearly every meta.

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And bugged he is:
Doesn’t have a place in Big Beast Hunter, though.

I’ve seen other days.