Big Problem: Beast Hunter

Yah, I discovered this myself yesterday then saw Mark found it as well.

Well whats a problem?

The source of this situation is that most people don’t think and just play net decks.

The solution to beast hunter is stall forever and then OTK em, or just be more greedy.

Please look at the matchup spread. And also its overall winrate. The deck is overpowered and it isn’t because players “don’t think”.

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NoHands is crushing with this deck in top Legend. I guess the top players just didn’t think of “stall and OTK 'em!”.

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Problem with beast hunter is that the deck is not just packed, but OMEGApacked with value. So much that no matter how “bad” their draw is, they have so many outs and too many ways to cheat out big minions. And WHEN you deal with it and somehow you are not in lethal range, they just summon a 9 mana legendary and make a huge board again.
It is incredibly tedious right now to push for legend. I am rank 3 diamond and 90% of my matchups are hunter. So far i can only win against them by a simple coinflip of rune of the archmage, and that doesnt even guarantee it.

The fact that this deck’s playrate is 35% at diamond 1 is insane. I do not feel any motivation to push for legend this month, but rather wait until some significant changes are done. This deck is pure abomination and playing against it feels super unfair, even more than against un-nerfed ramp druid.


You took the words right out of my mouth. I’m at diamond five and it’s an absolutely miserable experience. Every other match is beast Hunter and every match plays pretty much the same. You know what they’re going to drop on every turn and there’s not much you can do about it

Hard to see any point in playing right now. Seems like a good time to go play something else for a while

Blizzard doesn’t care if players find Beast Hunter too powerful and consistent. Hunter is the “newbie-friendly” class that brings in a lot of money for them. Just looking at the played rates shows you how gross the deck is, and the general mindset is “if you can’t beat them, join them.” Who wants to wade through that many hunters to rank up? Much like druid, they gave hunters way too many tools to deal with just about any situation.

There will be a balance patch next week most certainly. They just won’t do it this week because of the Masters Tour. Balance changes are never made in the same week of professional tournaments, for obvious reasons…

They did it once, banning a card or two before a GM weekend, i think? There was much pitchforking…
Snap Dragon and Bioluminescence got banned prior to the tournament (scroll down a bit)

I’m a hunter main so obviously biased.

However if you compare stats from HS from the beginning of Maw vs last 3 days or last 1 day. The dominance of BB hunter has dropped quite a bit. Won’t be surprised if that trend continues as the meta adjusts and learns how to deal with it.

I’m okay with some hunter nerfs if the data over the next few days confirms that it is required. I just hope that some of the neutral cards such as Sire, Devourer and Theotar also get looked at since they make the game less enjoyable.

That’s not so true. It is still significantly the best deck in the game, aside from top legend where I believe those players kinda refuse to play it akin to paladin.

What part is not true. Look at diamond 1 to 5 category of last 3 days for all regions.

Less that one percent separates bbh from bless priest, followed very closely by another priest variant followed equally closely by mage and so on. They are literally as close as possible.

My mistake – you’re correct. Sorry. I will add though that its playrate is still extraordinarily high.

Every deck just sucks to fight against. You nerf Hunter and then something else just takes the place of it. Just died to a 30/30 sheep left behind after full clearing a board of several 10/20’s LMAO This game is awful now.

Edit: I’m sure it was fun for my opponent to be hit by 2 blizzards, into an alibi, into 2 back to back Rune of the Archmage. Like seriously designers? Really?

Yes, they only do it if its a complete emergency. Nonetheless, its extremely rare.

Well not true. Before the mage nerf spooky freeze mage was the most played deck in heartstone. The numbers of played games for it were like for all 3 hunter archetypes combined. Yet they stillgot nerfed. So don’t worry hunter will get hit.

Questlock, secret/aggro paladin, dh after class release. A couple examples, I’m somewhat sure of.

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It’s been dominant for a very long time and the mini-set offered virtually no tools to unseat it. Normally I am very anti-nerf but the meta has already tried to respond to Beast Hunter for weeks and the meta choice is to: pray you insanely highroll or play beast hunter.

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I just had a look at VS Data Reaper Live, and the win-rate for beast hunter appears to be much higher than that reported in HSReplay. At least in VS Data Reaper live it reports hunter is almost 55%+ winrate vs every other major deck in the format, in a lot of cases hitting very close to 60%.

To clarify I’m making this post to highlight that it appears that beast hunter is not being targeted by the meta effectively, and in fact, appears to be refining itself as to distance itself even further from the pack. It seems without intervention this deck is not going to be balanced by the meta anytime soon.

Blizzards decision to hold off the balance changes for the master tour is probably going to backfire; the entire tour might just be beast hunter after beast hunter winning, with the deck being a very low skill testing deck, making for some riveting tournament play where the winner is the one that draws with better RNG and plays the better curve. LOL! well done blizz :slight_smile:

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Not gonna happen man. Pro players play bless priest very optimally. So in that environment beast hunter is not as dominant as it is across ladder play. Not to mention that, in general, tournament play is very different from ladder, players play very specific decks with specific card choices for that tournament meta, while in ladder most of those tournament decks would not perform very well most of the times.