Big Priest in Wild is strangling the format

Midrange decks do not exist in Wild anymore. Control decks only work if you play Reno and Zeph for Hex/Poly. Aggro decks have to win by turn 5/6 or the game is over. Big Priest has singlehandedly polarized Wild, forcing everybody into a hyper aggro deck or a ultra heavy control deck. I would suggest changing Vargoth to only cast spells that were cast while he was on the board, and also increase Shadow Essence to 7 or 8 mana.


It hasn’t. Midrange decks weren’t viable before DMF either (dead Rexar).
And Token Druid, a midrange deck, can beat Rez Priest.

I hate priest as well, but nerfing shadow essence to 7-8 just kills the cards


token druid is hyper aggro.


I don’t see that as a problem. Doing nothing until turn 5/6 then summoning a giant minion with Taunt then resummoning it countless times is not something I want to be possible.

Shaman just needs to get back into the meta. Plague of Murlocs, Devolve, Hex, and the deck will crap on Priest.

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Aggro means for me playing minions from turn 1 on.
Token druid is a combo deck. A board otk deck, to be precise.
(ofc it needs to prepare for 1 turn, but it can dishes out a lot of dmg)

they need to fix the graveyard, corpse duplicating makes no sense


Sometimes, something posed as a complaint about a feature of a game is really a request for a game to be something that it is not. Your comment is one of those.

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I don’t really know how you can be okay with it. I think wild required a lot more thought before the inception of big priest and in addition to the new secret cards. It just simply doesn’t really matter what you do against big priest you are simply playing a deck designed to beat it or you won’t and the pool of cards that will vastly help you is not very good into most other matchups so it is quite detrimental to have those ideas. Then secondly now mage, you used to be able to play around it, but now you don’t know if to leave the secret up or trigger it, what you would do against one secret would be a hinderance against another and simply put you can’t know what is in their hand so in my opinion they have killed what was a very fun deck and turned it into something I wish would leave the meta.

This, been saying for years that HS needs an actual GY system. Copies should NOT go into the res pool. Nothing that wasn’t played from hand should be in the res pool. Multiple copies of the same minion should not be ressurectable.

Heck, we should have GY hate cards, ways to interact with the graveyard since it’s currently such a huge resource.

MTG’s GY system really ought to be the model here.


If they changed that then hex/poly and other transform effects would also need to revert a minion back once dead.

You already have plenty. Leeroy(anything that gives the priest tokens or bad minions to rez) and transforms.

Leeroy is usually too slow, I think most people have tried it though.

Totally fine if the graveyard syatem is fixed to begin with…

Dunno why I say “fixed.” Hearthstone doesn’t HAVE a graveyard system. Big priest wouldn’t exist in its current state if there wasn’t such a huge exploitable gap in the game.

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Well I don’t really mind if a deck like this exists, or if the graveyard stays the same if decks like this didn’t impact the game so much, but you can’t have an 8/8 with a 5/5 that spawn copies of themself coming down on turn 5, I’m sure it has stayed the same because it is difficult to code or they simply don’t want to divert that much resources to it.

My only solution to when something feels broken is to change from wild to standard or vica versa.

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If anything it feels like Big Priest is on the decline, I have enough sheep, hexes and clearance to go the distance so I’m frequently being matched with Priests that attempt to play my deck against me rather than resurrect the same hateful deathrattles.

Also it must be a couple of weeks since I played a Raza Priest.

Eh it depends on whether you say “tokens” become a thing or if they count as what they copied. Barnes and the 5/5 creators that exist in MtG would create tokens that are exiled when destroyed or leave play. If that wasn’t the case in HS then priest would be fine.

Point is though that there isn’t even a “problem” as these threads keep popping up when it’s barely been a dominant deck in recent history except for a random pop up and disappear. Secret mage, Raza priest, and many others need to get addressed first.

  1. Midrange barely exists in wild anyway.

Not act like it’s big priest fault.

  1. Control decks in wild in general almost always were reno decks too because they need reno levels of healing for the insane damage decks like secret mage could pull.

They literally did change the card the chase after in the deck. Not even the lists.

You can say it got worse?
You can say that big priest is the only cause for it?

No. The deck isn’t even related to it.

If anything big priest is the midrange representant since it does exactly what midrange wants.
Puts the biggest and stickyest minions possible for the cost of the cards it has.

How is token Druid a Midrange deck?
Every time i play against that deck they have a full board and no cards by turn 3 and you die turn 4 or 5 if they have the Savage Roar. That’s pretty much what the other hyper agro decks do.