Big Priest in Wild is strangling the format

i just came back after few months and saw all the nerfs… how the f did it miss getting nerfed? Sure its not got a great wr but its sooooo horrible to play against in wild and standard.

I dont get salty anymore as i only play a handful of games a day, if i see priest i can just concede but if i was climbing i’d cry if i came across priest.

So you think killing this card is actually bad for the game… ?

Who cares just nerf it to 8 mana summon a copy of a minion from your deck.

Nobody likes big priest except the big priest players themselves.


is more like cloning with dna samples

Actually if anything hand reading should cost one Mana more and that is about it.

Big priest deserves to exist as any other deck.
What is good for the game is diversity even if it means decks that part of the community dislikes existing.

I play Big Priest and I hate it and myself

there is an ez solution for know what?

Become a born again Christian?

Wild mana curve is 2 turns higher; a turn 5 corresponds to a turn 7 in standard.
Aggro druid and disclock can have lethal by turn 3 (ok disco lock needs bs luck, but still).

Token druid wants to have a full board and then play solar eclipse into savage roar. This, my friend, is a combo. You need a specific set of cards to do 7+8*4 dmg. Edit, you don’t have enough cards to make a full board at turn 3 with coin, and then play bloom into lunar into savage roar, so no turn 4 lethal.

It doesn’t need the wombo combo Solar/Roar to win most of the time. A deck that dumps its hand asap and pushes hard on board with small things is Agro. Midrange is something like the old Secret Paladin that curves 1-6 and has a few late drops not something that Tops the curve at 3-4 and vomits the entire hand by turn 3.

I have seen token druid with spreading plague.
That’s not really the most aggro card.
Btw we are speaking about wild in the current meta, from turn 7 on is endgame. Odd warriors disagree ofc, as do meme decks, lol.
I would argue even turn 6 (lel unreduced shadow essence, Reno concede.)

That’s more aggro druid than token. I think he’s trying to say the ones that use more treants than anything. The one you’re talking about uses the cheap stuff more. Both fairly viable depending on the matchup.